Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hate is a strong word. Yes, people say that. I've heard of it. Not sure exactly how true it is and how significant it is when applied to everyday life. But I do know one thing, people are quick to throw a statement about how they hate things and people tend to act with this emotion as a driver. Personally, I can't really say if I hate anything. I have encountered things, people, places, food and a bunch more that I didn't really like nor appreciate. But nothing I could easily say that I honestly hated. However, I did write about hate back when I used to play music. But even then, I only used it as an inspiration. It wasn't like I really hated anything.

Hate is a strong word. I've heard this from someone and I've read it somewhere as well. To loathe something or someone is a statement filled with negative emotions. Emotions that tend to cloud that of a supposedly clear mind. When you hate, you could be stronger. Yes. But it also means your mind is significantly altered in state that you run an elevated risk of overseeing other factors in what you are currently facing. Hate to me is anger and frustration. Two things I'd rather not deal with. Life is too short to hold grudges. Well, that's what I want to say. Though I am the type of person that will do his best to be nice. But if you do something I didn't like, chances are I will always remember it and depending on the degree of the offense, I may altogether change the way I interact with you. I do have acquaintances that have done me unpleasant things, that I have completely disconnected myself from them. If I know someone or something is bad news, I distance myself from it/them.

Of course, not all moves I have done that involved disappearing meant I thought they were bad news. I did choose to disappear from someone recently and I did that just because I just felt like it must be done. But not because I thought the person was bad. Not at all.

(Hate is a strong word. People say that.)

I have asked people why they supposedly hated that Justin Bieber kid. And they could not give me a valid answer as to why. I mean, even if the songs suck, I don't see any reason to feel so hateful towards somebody who sings and makes a living out of it. Perhaps, they have this sense of unconscious envy that is misinterpreted as hate. Or at least, the way they state their opinions is of that nature. I don't hate the kid. But can't say that I like him either. The way I see it, he's just a kid using his talent to make money. Nothing wrong with that. Sure, he may not be as talented as some other artists that I know of. But I don't really feel the need to feel any degree of hatred towards him. Don't get me wrong either, I'm not really a fan at all. I was merely making an example. I could've used Twilight, One Direction, Jersey Shore, etc.

Perhaps there is something wrong with me. Maybe I'm supposed to get angry or feel a bit of loathing at times. And maybe I'm just incapable of feeling so. My automatic reaction seems to be disappointment. Not hatred. Or in many cases, I just ignore the difficulties and focus more on what I can do to deal with the situation. I am not one to say that I hate something either. Not really someone who tends to say he's starving either. I guess there are just some things in life that I can't claim to feel. Not sure if that's good or bad. It's scary. Maybe it's not even healthy. All I know is hate isn't for me. Although I love listening to Slayer and Kreator. Two bands that played songs about hatred and anger.

Though, I have been angry once... Or maybe twice...

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