Sunday, August 19, 2012

Aron Facts #7: "Stick to One" Person

For as long as I can remember, up to today, I've been that kind of person who stayed with aspects or things in his life that he really liked/loved/enjoyed. Essentially, I'd encounter something or someone, realize how much I love them, and just does his best, effortlessly at times, to stick with them for as long as he can. This goes with a lot of things in my life. May it be with food, gaming, music, girls, clothes, etc. Sometimes, it could be quite admirable and unique, but sometimes, I feel like I should be experimenting a lot more often than I do normally. But the way I see it, I don't need to change it much. Why fix something that isn't broken?

Needless to say, I am that guy who finds out how delicious and easy to eat a specific dish is, and he sticks to it regardless of what other options he has in the menu. He'd order and eat that one thing for many, many times until it finally becomes either stale or he ends up sick of it. I suppose it might not be just because I love what I'm eating, but also I probably have this fear of trying something out and not really liking it. And in the end, I may waste my time with it. And at the same time, I don't feel the need to order something else if what I'm eating is already more than satisfactory. I guess I'm a pretty easy guy to impress when it comes to food. But then again, I came from a third world country. I can eat rice and powdered milk for weeks if I had to. Yes, I have eaten rice with powdered milk. Not a lot of people can say they have done that.

Gaming-wise, I could display the same attitude as well. But then again, sometimes games have balance issues that lead players to utilizing components of games that are deemed overpowered or cookie-cutter that are more ideal to do or use. And so I can't be blamed too much in this specific field. Though, regardless of what game I play, due to preference, I do tend to settle with a specific type of play style or equipment. But of course, from time to time I'd experiment a bit and mix it up, derail a bit from my usual routine.
I guess part of what makes me think twice about trying other stuff in some games is because of available time to play. So many games coming out and I would like to play them, but if I dove too much into a game, it would take so much of my time that I might not be able to enjoy other ones. Not sure where I'm going with that one, but I am more than certain that some gamers would understand what I mean. This is exactly the reason why I cannot commit to a MMORPG nor RPGs anymore. They require too much time and effort. Things I don't have a lot of nowadays.

In the field of music, I listened to a lot of metal. Examples are Slayer, Kreator, Metallica, Iced Earth, Testament, Lamb of God, In Flames, Mors Principium Est... I could go all day just enumerating the bands that I really appreciate. But recently, I have opened myself to other genres. I actually listen to a bit of Bob Marley now and even some Linkin Park. Though, I have let other genres flow in my library, it doesn't mean that my loyalty and faith to the metal genre have faded into nothingness. In fact, I still believe it to be the most respect-worthy musical genre (aside from classical) in the world. It takes quite a bit of talent to write decent metal songs. Compared to pop and alternative music that saturate the music world nowadays, at least. I even learned guitar and wrote music because of my passion for metal and I am proud of it. It led to a lot of great experiences and I regret nothing despite it sort of affecting my own progress in life. In essence, I could easily say up to this day that if I have to choose only one genre of music, it'd be metal. Not even going to think twice. I could listen to it forever.

When it comes to girls, I don't even know where to begin. Let's just say, I'm a stick-to-one person. Nothing more, nothing less.

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