Sunday, August 19, 2012

SoW News 01: SiFu and Clan Operations

(Sodality of War)

Clan activity had a bit of fluctuation these past few weeks/months. Though, I hate to admit it, but things are a bit lower than usual nowadays. Mainly due to busy schedules and lack of free time to dedicate to clan activities. But at the same time, we still have a good flow of traffic in terms of events and activity. Just recently, we have acquired another member to grace SoW's roster. SESSELEEZ finally was brought on board with us and I can't be any happier with the decision. It was a good initiative, in my opinion, for not only were we adding a great player to the sodality, but we were also recruiting someone who had a good sense of humor, excellent attitude and a person that is truly a good asset to the clan.
Also, we have recently started doing some clan operations within Call of Duty: ELITE. Something I wished we did a bit earlier. But I'm just happy to know that now, most of us are putting some effort into dedicating and devoting a bit of free time to clan activities. And that's better than nothing at all.

New Recruit: SoW_SiFu (SESSELEEZ)
This man has been connected to Aimbot for a very long time and in my opinion, it was about time he was asked to join the clan. While I was at work, it occur to me. I thought, oCt have allowed TK to carry the oCt clan tag. I then realized, I didn't want to wake up one day and see that they have also recruited SESS. Though, I understand that the oCt family do not just pick up members like that to their family. The chances of them recruiting SESS was slim. Though, I did not want to gamble with that. That same morning I have decided that SoW should consider acquiring SESSELEEZ as a Sodality of War member. After all, he more than qualifies for the position. He has the skills, the patience and the attitude that we look for in a member. And like I said, he's been friends w/ Aimbot for a very long time. It's a recruitment act way long overdue.

Call-Sign has not yet been officially established. Though, he did decided to use SoW_SiFu as his clan name. Which to me was quite appropriate. This way, I could still call him SESS or go with the proper name: SESS SiFu.

I congratulate and thank SESS SiFu for accepting our humble request to have him in the Sodality. It is evident right from the start that he was bound to be a great addition to the clan. All I hope for is that he didn't feel obligated nor forced to say yes to us. In the end, the deal was closed and an excellent member was added to our roster.

(Clan Ops #3: TDM Kills)

Sodality of War Tackles ELITE Clan Operations
For a very long time, SoW have ignored the ELITE clan portion of Call of Duty. I remembered being so excited about the clan profiles and progression that the new service promised to offer. In fact, it was the main reason why I even subscribed to ELITE in the first place. Of course, because you also save a bit of money for the maps alone. Needless to say, I was a tad bit disappointed when we turned out a bit uninterested with tackling progression as a clan. I felt let down and even refused to help other clans that asked for me to join them, namely oCt_21 and TM1. Inside, I felt like I'd be betraying my clan if I provided my services to other teams. And so I declined them respectfully or just joined with my StormShadow account to assist a bit without really directly contributing. I felt like maybe someday, we'd finally get around to progressing. And we did.

Aimbot's initiative to check the Clan Ops part of ELITE led to us finally starting games that involved progression as a clan within the ELITE community. And it has been quite a blast. I am quite joyed to finally know that we are putting a bit of effort into devoting some time for clan activities. We've done three clan operations so far and we've done great in all three of them. We went gold in all operations and scored nicely in all of them. Aimbot as expected, topped the charts the majority of the time. SESS did pretty great as well. Scout and I did our contributions in our own way by providing support and cleaning up the perimeter of the battle zones. Even InTeL decided to join in. And Rogue too. Though, Rogue wasn't really an ELITE subscriber, I'm happy to see that he's at least participating. It's better than not caring at all. PyroTech showed up and shed some blood with us today too. The man's been busy and I understand he's got valid reasons for not being there the first two times.
Overall, the clan did way better than I expected. I was aiming for at least silver, but with Aimbot, SESS, Scout and the other guys, we've easily ranked ourselves in GOLD spots in all of the operations we've enlisted to. And I'm pretty damn proud of my clan mates. Damn fucking proud.

I am hopeful that we keep the momentum going and do more clan operations again. It's been fun and a refreshing experience for me since now I'm playing for a goal outside my usual in-game agendas of killing for stats or just mindlessly slaying every enemy I run into. I pray that we continue doing this for a very long time until we progress higher up in the rankings.

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