Tuesday, July 17, 2012

S.E.T. Again.

I wrote about a friend of mine a while back. Well, more like wrote to her and not expecting for her to ever read it. And I did say how I still had so much more to say than just my long paragraphs of apology. After all, there was so much to her and us than just me messing up. And even after this entry, I know for a fact that there will still be so much more left unsaid and untold about her and us. But I will do my best to write as much as I can in this entry.

Needless to say, she is a really kind person and a very respectable too at that. I mean, if she wasn't, I don't even think I'd put in all of this effort to be her friend and even go out of my way to make sure I show how much more special she really is. There's a lot to like about her, in terms of her personality and lifestyle. In my opinion, the main thing anyone would notice is her simplistic fashion style. I don't mean it to be a criticism at all. In my opinion, simple and clean is the way to go. A lot of girls, I understand, would prefer to look as girly and as fancy as they could possibly be. I'm not saying there's something wrong with that or that it's bad, I'm just saying that in my eyes, I'd take simple and clean over fancy and high maintenance any day. Not to mention, her minimalist way of living is something quite admirable too. In fact, I liked it so much that I have started sort of trashing or giving away things that I have no real use for. And it feels good to know that you are aware of what you need and what you have just for the sake of having, but in reality, have no actual practical use for. We all tend to keep stuff we really have no use for. There's a more correct term for that, I just can't seem to recall... wait, I remembered. Hoard. That's the word.

(She's a lot of fun to be with. I mean, just look at this photo!)

She also knows how to cook. And bake. And knit! And shoot guns. What more can a guy ask for?!
And aside from those I have mentioned, she is also the gamer type. And it's something that I really liked about her as well. I guess in a way, that's one of the things that sort of connect us both. Though, I kinda wished she played 1st person shooters. But it's not really a big deal. I'm just glad that among many things, gaming is something we had in common. Truth be told, it was because of Final Fantasy VIII that we even met each other. We both love that game. Just writing about it now is making me want to replay it again.
She also collects those really expensive dolls. I feel bad not even remembering what they are called. I usually pay attention to what people like and dislike, but it seems my memory have failed me on this one. I was so afraid of touching them because they seemed so clean, well maintained and fragile. Also, her fascination for koalas is something that really stuck to me. To the point where I have decided that someday, we'll have to go to Australia so she can hold one. Hopefully, I'll get my shit together and get around to fulfilling this promise.

I think another thing that I really like about her is her laugh. Seriously, she makes me feel like I can be a fucking stand up comedian. I'd crack one of my stupid jokes and she would laugh about it. I think that's one of the reasons why I don't even hesitate to make any type of joke around her because it could be the lamest Aron joke and she'd still laugh hard about it! And the best thing about it is you know she really found it funny. Unlike most people that would laugh a bit or tell you it's funny. But in reality, they'd be just faking it. I know when she laughs, it's legitimate!

(That was a fun night. I laughed my ass off so hard during that game of cards.)

A very strong person she is, as well. She knows what she wants and what she does not want. And she'd do exactly what she thinks is right to make the changes necessary to rid her life of anything not worth having. Life has made her a strong-willed individual and she's not the type that would deal with bullshit. I respect that. Though, there are certain things about what she thinks of herself that I cannot ever appreciate, I still believe that she is more amazing than she thinks.

The entry ends here. And in the end, I was right. I'm concluding this post and still feel that I have barely covered everything that needs to be said.

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