Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nintendo Wii U

Honestly speaking, I haven't been following NEWS about this new gaming console. I am very much looking forward to it, but I just haven't been very attentive and religious about Wii U news right now. Or any gaming news for that matter. But when I do hear about certain updates from friends about consoles and games, they still excite me and sort of rekindle that interest within me.

I'm really looking forward to the other consoles, mainly, the Nintendo Wii U. I've always wanted to own a Wii, but I was just not in a financial situation to afford one and even the XBoX 360. But this time around, I intend to own all consoles and make sure I try out some games from each company. I wanna be a bit more open minded this time and a little bit more adventurous.
Once upon a time, I did own a DS Lite. Hell, I bought at least 2 DS Lites. But both exes have them now. But it's okay, because I'm not exactly the portable gaming type anyway. Probably the reason why I didn't even mind leaving them those things after we have parted. Though, like I mentioned, I am very much excited for this next console that Nintendo will be releasing. Although, I may not be as impressed about specs and performance, based on what I've heard so far, I'm just really looking forward to the games I'd be able to play on it. I would like to play more Mario games and Pokemon games. If I really get into it, I might even try Zelda. But that last one, I doubt would ever happen. There's just a good plethora of games that I know I'd definitely enjoy so much with Nintendo and I can't wait for that experience to finally happen.

(SoW ScouT's CUBE!!! They have lotsa nice stuff in their house about gaming!)

Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those kids that were given a SNES or a Nintendo 64. Though, I did play some games from the SNES, it wasn't like I actually owned one and played it for as long as I wanted. But now that I am at a point in my life where I can purchase things like these by myself, I'd like to sort of give myself that luxury and kinda do myself a favor. I've missed so much because of where I lived and how much money we had when I was a kid. And now that I can afford these things, I won't even think twice in buying them. Hell, I saw some Yoshi plushies the other day and I just decided right there that I wanted to get them. And so I did. I suppose the fact that the console is approaching soon is kinda making me too excited. Plus, I thought that maybe if I see that girl again with Super Mario characters tattoo on her shoulder, I could give them to her. Or at least one of them.

(Yoshi plushies I bought at Future Shop.)

I did play some Wii games. Even bought quite a handful of them. I'd very much rather not talk about it further more. But I do recall having a lot of fun playing them and though I know it might not be the same playing by myself or with others, I still would like to enjoy the games that really made an impact to me. To some, gaming is only a pass time. But to a lot of people it's almost like a lifestyle, if it isn't already. Not exactly sure where I stand on this notion, though I may be one of those people without me realizing it.

Long story short, really looking forward to this new console and I'd be one of those people to fall in line in the morning just to get one. Better start saving now.

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