Saturday, July 14, 2012

Earliest Memories #03: The Lion King

I don't quite remember anymore the full details of that time when I went to watch The Lion King in the cinemas. I just remember certain moments and feelings I've experienced during that time when I witnessed for the first time, a movie that really grabbed me and made its way into my heart to become my all time favorite Disney movie. Those were great times and as a kid, I felt like I could watch it for hundreds of times more without getting bored. And that statement still stands up to this day. And I don't think it will ever become false. I could still sit down and watch this movie and enjoy it as much as I did back then, if not even more than before.

I guess maybe part of what I liked about the movie was the fact that Simba was an only child, and I am too. At a very young age, he lost his father and was left with his mother. I was the same story. Although, my father didn't get ran over by a bunch of giraffe, elephants and other animals. Still something I could relate to. At the time, I was oblivious with that fact. But after some time and growing up, I have come to that conclusion and understood a little bit why I liked this movie so much. And perhaps it's because of that connection. The movie, in so many ways, tackle some of the real life issues, and you will have to look past the setting and musical numbers to actually see them. I'm sure a lot of movies are like this, not just The Lion King.

(The Lion King main cast. Brings back memories.)

Speaking of musical numbers, this movie has got to have the best soundtrack in all of the Disney movies. At least in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I like some of the songs from other movies as well. But I guess I enjoyed this animation so much that I was attracted to its songs as well. Or perhaps it's even the opposite. Maybe its songs made the movie a lot more enjoyable too. All I know is I love the movie and the musical content of it both at the same time.

I remember having the whole original soundtrack in a cassette tape when I was younger. Not exactly sure how I got my hands on it, but whoever bought me that tape, I thank them oh so very much. For many days, maybe weeks, I would wake up in the morning and the first thing I'd do was grab my cassette tape player, put on my earphones and play that thing while reading the lyrics on the sheet that is normally included in tapes. Even up to this very day, I know all the songs and can most likely still sing along to them. Okay, maybe after some time, I have forgotten some of them. But I can safely say that I can still sing the majority of the tracks without even reading the lyrics. Man, writing about all these is making me wanna watch the movie again. Maybe I should. It is after all, always a pleasure to see and experience. It just never gets old.

(I have lost the cassette tape. But the CD version of the OST, I do have.)

A couple of years ago, I saw the OST of the movie in CD format. I didn't have to think twice. I grabbed it and decided to get it right there and then. It's that good. So good that you don't even need to think about anything else to decide if it's worth getting or not. You just know that it is a great investment and well worth your money. Not sure where this is now. I must listen to it again. I can't even wait to finish writing so I can try and find where I put it and listen to it. I'll cut it here now, cannot resist the urge to watch and listen to this movie. Once again.

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