Monday, June 18, 2012

Undeserved Disabilities

The past week has been quite something for me. And by that, I meant that I've seen quite a few things that really made me ask myself a few questions regarding whether individuals with disabilities, by birth or later acquired, really deserved to live through lives of difference. I've asked myself a bunch of questions that really all just boiled down to no answers at all. Though, it seems the most common one was that of God's existence and if they do really deserve to be that way. I looked at them not of pity and ridicule, but I did without a doubt, with disappointment and sadness. For I believe that no man, woman nor child would merit such a life of being different from others and not be able to do what most of us don't even appreciate doing.

I've seen a lady walk in such a disoriented and unusual manner that I'm sure would make most people stare and sadly, make fun of her. She walked towards me and I marched towards her with trails of sadness behind me. I know some people that would easily see this as quite humorous and would instantly judge without thinking twice. She smiled at me and I forced a smile back. I am well aware that if she has lived her whole life in such a way, it most likely doesn't bother her as much as it does to me. But I still believe that the fact of the matter is that why her? What did she do to be born that way? She's got no one to blame. Her parents perhaps? Maybe. God? I don't know. We all have to be different from one another. But I don't think being different in such a way is an exhibition of a fair design. People having different skill sets and abilities is one thing. But disabilities is another.

Maybe the supernatural/paranormal aspect of life has something to do with it then? I've considered the idea and would not complete disregard it and label it as 'crazy'. Is it possible that these individuals, or perhaps all of us, somehow are able to be born again as another being but with a different life? And in our current life, we are forced to pay and suffer for our sins and wrong doings done in the past life? If so, it may sound a tad bit alright. However, it still sounds unfair to me. One could've committed the worst crime and inhumane offenses in his past life but is it really just for some other mind and life to make the necessary payment and endure the punishment for them? Why can't the soul of s/he who took offense be the one to suffer?

There was this little girl yesterday. I'm not sure how old she's supposed to be. She was with her mom and bigger sister. She rode around in a wheelchair and seemed to be quite used to it. And so I'm guessing that perhaps she was born that way. Her sister had these sort of walking aid or crutches as well. These kids are probably just 5 or 7 years old. I looked at this lively yet slightly different little girl with a smile but I couldn't help but think that maybe sometimes she'd wish that she could run around, jump and play games that most kids would easily do. She was so young and she has her whole life ahead of her. I'm sure she'll be fine. She'll be comfortable with her life and with the aid of her family, she'll be happy and content. But it still makes me kind of wish that I had the power to help her. But I don't. And it killed me inside. She took off with her mom and sister. And I was left there feeling like I wish I really could've done something. Even with all the questions, the answers didn't really matter. It doesn't really matter who or what is to blame. The real important thing, in reality, is that it would've been really better if we were able to make such difference and disabilities go away.

We are all just human. And we only live once. Some of us have everything yet they take them for granted or never really appreciate what they have. On the other hand, we have great people just trying to live their lives and find happiness, yet they're the ones that are inflicted with all these challenges to overcome. Divinity and religion would suggest that these are essentially tests from a higher power. And I respect that. But I just find it downright unfair. Bad things happen to good people? You've got to be shitting me.

I wish I had the power to change things like these. However, I understand that I'm only one person. One that can't even make the necessary changes in his own life. To expect more is of a ridiculous notion. But if I am ever given the chance, I wouldn't think twice and will drop everything if it meant I could help people in need. Specially those people with undeserved disabilities who definitely deserve a chance.

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