Friday, May 11, 2012

SoW Scout

The skies and everything beneath it were engulfed in cold pitch black darkness. The night was silent and lonely. Like a moon without its stars, like a sniper without his rifle. Coincidentally, the moon was indeed there but no stars littered the sorrowful skies. And I was more than aware of 'the sniper' present a mile and a half away from my position... and I was absolutely certain he didn't forget his long-barrel instrument of instant death either. And even more so, I was 100% positive that the tango standing 15 feet away from me will soon fall to the ground with his brains scattered all over the walls and pavement. I know he's watching and I know for a fact that he's got his eyes on everything. And I know he's got my back. Scouting from miles away.

SoW Storm Shadow [Operation: Nightcrawler ]

People tend to call him 'Allan'. I've heard some call him 'Lan'. And in several other instances, I've heard people refer to him as 'FlyingAZNTurtle' or 'Lan_Salazar' just to name a few. But we all know him as 'Scout': the call-sign designated to SoW's very own sniper rifle wielding, MK14 slinging, one shot-one kill long range assassin.
(SoW Scout knows how to passionately use his fingers. Just so you know, ladies.)

This man may not be as blatantly offensive as a trash-talker like PyroTech, and this man may not be as beast as a hard-hitter as Aimbot, and this man is definitely not as predictably loud and careless to rules and regulations like Rogue, but he does excel very much so in two things: team play and knowing exactly what to do and what steps to make for the sake of the clan. And that placed him and earned him the seat as SoW Actual; clan leader. He distinguishes offensive and defensive responsibilities quite dominantly compared to other members of the clan. He exhibits a great deal of situational awareness when it comes to assessment of primary or secondary target priorities and/or defensive tactical vantage point positioning. Most importantly, his ability to adapt and act on the ever changing tides of battle during objective type sorties already earn him as one of the best team player a clan could ever have. He is the living proof that brains beat brawns. 

Another reason that makes Scout a great player is his ability to stay calm on situations when one would be instantly upset or pissed off. And my favorite thing of all is that you will rarely hear him whine or complain. Often times however, you'd hear him state that he is 'ANGRY'. But then again, he says those words in a manner and delivery that does not sound remotely furious at all. I sound more angry when I sneeze. His solid ability to stay frosty during desperate and dangerous times is most likely his best attribute and proves to be quite an invaluable asset as a player, a friend and a leader.

(Soulja from the oCt clan w/ our very own Scout. Kodak moment, definitely.)

His principles in life and passion for gaming and music are some of the few things I admire quite a bit. And as a team, we tend to communicate well and work accordingly together to execute tactics and offensive sweeps whenever the situation that merits the extra effort arises. And it's something I'm proud of and would never deny. Plus, his 'headshots' during clan ops in Delta Tango or other sites are always a delight to behold.

Outside the game he is quite a chill guy. He's so chill you can put a can of Coke on top of his head and it'll instantly freeze. He will be there when you need him and he will be there to join you when you randomly decide to follow a hot chick purely out of instantaneous boredom. A great friend and a comrade to us all, Scout delivers in all aspects of what makes a man the type you'd want to be associated with.

One shot, one kill. Every round matters, every bullet makes a difference. A difference between life and death. Life to live behind a scope and death to observe and evaluate to learn from. This is SoW Scout in a nutshell. 

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