Sunday, May 13, 2012


Information is key. Knowledge is power. Battles are won by warriors. Warriors that are not only strong, organized and well informed. Not just strong in body, mind and heart. Not just organized in the sense of proper and precise execution of tactical war strategies in the volatile and hostile battlefield. In the battlefield where incorrect intelligence and outdated information regarding enemy forces could easily result in unnecessary friendly casualties. Information is the key. Knowledge is the power. Accurate and punctual transmission and delivery of invaluable intel is the mighty pillar that serves as a foundation to how a battle should be fought, how a firefight should be engaged and most importantly, how objectives should be executed.

A big part of why we win the fights that we tackle, is because of how the enemy tend to neglect and be terribly oblivious to how information is shared and how intel is transmitted. They don't know the fact that we've won already even before it all began. And it's all thanks to SoW's very own, InTeL, for being the 'eye in the sky' and for acting as mission operator for each time we move out for a sortie. He let's the team know of virtually everything. From enemy positions, targets in jeopardy, current enemy deployment zones to even the most minute but helpful information such as hostile equipment installations and enemy air support present in the skies above. He let's us know of everything necessary to win the fights. And knowing is half the battle.

(His call-sign isn't InTeL for nothing.)

Paired with other members like Scout and PyroTech, the team is already established as a powerhouse in terms of information control and intelligence gathering. The two members mentioned possess the virtues and prowess that prove to be quite extremely complementary to how InTeL talks the talk, and how InTeL walks the walk.

The truth that not a lot of people are aware of, if anyone else actually knows, is that this man is the reason how I've been taken under SoW's wings in the first place. If it wasn't for him, I would probably be still running solo sorties or worse, be part of a terrible and disorganized squad of morons that don't know what the Hell they're doing. And I probably wouldn't have learned all the tactics and strategies I now possess. It is all thanks to InTeL for introducing me to the group that welcomed me with open arms and treated me with respect and warmth. He is the first SoW member I encountered and ran missions with before I even knew the rest of them and before I even fully understood the essence of my own online identity.

In the game, besides providing the team with the necessary invaluable intel to let us emerge victorious in the end, he fancies to run around like a Goddamn Asian Speedy Gonzales on crack while wielding any type of weapon he could get his bloodied hands on. But mainly, sub-machine guns are what he loves to utilize in his brutal and increasingly inhumane campaign to jump in the game and shed wicked blood. And his resolve to purify the area of operations and purge the perimeter by spraying people's chest and faces with his warm bullets coming out of his gun is something I have never seen subside nor weaken.

(If it wasn't for InTeL, I wouldn't be in SoW. YAY! FUNNY FACE TIME!!!)

Outside the game, he is one laid-back dude. But then again, all of my brothers including myself are quite calm and laid-back. With the exception of PyroTech and Rogue, of course. For obvious reasons.
He seems to be a thoughtful person and he could be funny when he wanted to. Truly a great asset to the brotherhood not just for his skills in-game, but for his attitude and personality as an individual.

Power is held by men who possess knowledge. And information is an invaluable and necessary commodity in winning the battles that are required to win wars. Within our humble group is a man that relates the knowledge and information we strive upon and depend on during all the times we deploy together and engage another day of bloodshed and dominance. We have InTeL inside.

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