Thursday, May 10, 2012

SoW Aimbot

Like a flaming ultra-brutal tiger-cheetah hybrid high on illegal performance enhancement steroids and cocaine, he starts his games, with one intention and one intention only. And that is: to establish total dominance and exhibit absolute bloodshed. And he does his blood shedding, with his own hands. If you encounter him in a dark, damp and cold alley, and you raise your gun up towards him... you need to know, that once you aim down your sights and start firing at him, you are faced with the obligation to put him down. Immediately.
Because if you don't, it's over. And you'll find yourself getting outgunned, outsmarted and shit out of luck.

(SoW Aimbot is not only accurate and precise. He is also, a Goddamn cowboy.)

Master in the ancient art of not dying and kicking ass more than anyone in the lobby, he is SoW's 'hard hitter'. Specializing in various tactical knowledge and methodical murdering, he is held up high in regard as the clan's number 1 killing machine. For a very long time, I always thought he was a cyborg undead ninja-cowboy that felt no remorse nor mercy and was built for a single purpose: to destroy. But a rendezvous w/ my brothers and some members of the oCt clan made me realize that he was also flesh and blood. Just like the rest of us. He may not be cyborg, undead nor a ninja. But at least I got the 'cowboy' part right as shown in the photo above. And with his aim, it's not surprising and difficult to believe that he is indeed a Goddamn cowboy. A cowboy w/ a dead on aim.

He was dubbed as 'Aimbot' for a reason. Just like how the rest of us were named appropriately.
His aim is unmatched. And to top it all off, he excels more than any of us just in sheer skill and experience. It is without a doubt, that this man is your 'Jack of All Trades', an overall type of player that specializes in virtually most aspects of the game. He doesn't do just one thing, he does everything and he does them good. The biggest mistake his team mate could ever commit while in-game, is to run right behind him. It is 99.9% guaranteed that you won't get any kills. You might get an assist, if you're lucky enough and quick enough to shoot before him. But that is, as we all know, very unlikely. Running behind him is like trying to run behind Pacman and expect to also eat some of the circular items. It's Goddamn impossible.

I have learned many things from this man. May it be in the game or within our personal lives. And I'm sure the others feel the same way. His passion for music and love reminds me quite a bit of my old self. And I admire this guy not just for his uber skillz but for the aforementioned reasons as well. He remains a crucial and invaluable member of the clan even during his past absences and diminished attendance. As a team player, he works well w/ InTeL, though at the same time, he does not have any issues cooperating with the others. He may be too humble to admit it, but he was considered to be the clan's leader until we appointed Scout through democratic voting. I suppose just like me, he does not like responsibility. He's also just in it... FOR THE THRILL of KILLING!!!

(NiNja: I want to be as good as you when I grow up! Aimbot: In your dreams, bitch!)

In person, he has this very laid-back personality. Almost stand-offish kind of attitude, if you may. But we all know, that deep within him burns the never ending fury and eternal flames of desire to slay every single unsuspecting noobs he could get his hands on. And his thirst for bloodshed and the facilitation of dominance lie constant behind that deceitful smile. He's got the eyes, the claws and the fangs of a tiger. A tiger Hellbent on unleashing total destruction and leaving ruins and death on his trail. Don't get deceived by his usual, 'Haaaaaaaaaiiiiiii!!!' introduction. He will slaughter you w/ a 720 no-scope double dolphin dive cartwheel C4 impact kill from across the map. Not even sure if that's possible, but it's Aimbot we're talking about here.

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