Wednesday, May 9, 2012

SoW PyroTech

Among my brothers in SoW, this guy will have to be the one the enemies would despise the most. Not just because he's the best camper in the group. Not just because he uses the RPG or the under-barrel grenade launchers like a madman Hellbent on making things explode before his very eyes. And not just because he spams flash grenades and marks every Goddamn tangos in the battlefield using the Recon Drone. No. Those aren't the only reasons why he would be the one to piss people off.

PyroTech is what we call him. But we sometimes call him 'Lucky'. Though, it seems quite ironic to me. I can't remember anything he's done in the game that I could consider 'lucky'. All that I see him do, he does w/ precision. And he knows exactly what he's doing. But often times, you'd hear him ask us how he let somebody kill him. Or how we lost to a weaker team. But that's besides the point. The point is, he does what he does for a reason and w/ precision.

(SoW PyroTech: the man who will ask you to shut your mic.)

Now, why would he be the one to piss people off? What does he do that none of the others does?
Pyro isn't just a demolition expert. He isn't just another guy w/ a fucking RPG fetish. And one more thing, he isn't just another guy who tags poor unsuspecting targets and laughing his ass off while doing it either. No. He is also, the clan's trash-talker. The hilarity that ensues when he starts telling people to 'shut your mic' while self-proclaiming to everyone that he is 'The Best', is something that the enemies could never appreciate but is also something that has become such a delight to all of us. He won't hesitate to say what he wants to say. May it be against little kids, women and even people that don't even have mics! He won't give a shit, he will say what needs to be said. And often times, what is not necessarily needed to be stated. And it helps us gravely in stirring the oppositions minds and hearts. Which essentially gives us the tactical advantage in terms of mental and emotional warfare. The truth of the matter is, he may not gather as many kills as the others, but he will support the team in his own special way. And that proves to be invaluable for each match we tackle.

He doesn't just say he's 'The Best' for no reason either. Among the clan, he is number 1 in TDM in terms of score. He has the most assists than any of us. He has found a way to still emerge on top of everyone despite killing lesser than the rest. And that in my opinion is something that needs to be addressed. It is no easy feat, and the things he does aren't something that we in the clan can easily execute. None of us can camp the way he does, and none of us can get that much assists per game. He is the best. The best in what he does. In his own way.

(SoW NiNja and SoW PyroTech: at HOOTERs.)

He works well w/ everyone. You can trust him on defensive tasks and providing support for the team. Another strength he has is w/ handling the Recon Drone. And it proves to be quite a great deal of recon assistance that a team should always have. Outside the game, he is a very chill guy that will treat you nicely if you respect him in return. Inside the game, he is that one guy in the team that you don't want to encounter when the score is 7400 and you're on the opposing team. You might as well, 'back out while you still can' and 'shut your mic' before you die to an explosion only to find out in the Final Killcam that he shot a fucking RPG on your face.

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