Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Victim of Changes

The only constant thing in this world is change.

Just like the world  and the people around us, we also undergo various stages of evolution ourselves. We change whether we like it or not. It may be for the better and sadly, sometimes for the worse. What we see before our eyes now, might not be exactly the same later. And what we know as the truth today could easily turn to something extremely false tomorrow. And it is only our power to adapt to these changes that we've been able to survive and cope. However, not everyone is strong enough to withstand the trauma of having to deal with changes may it be little or drastic. It's quite unfortunate but we all know and there is no point denying it that it happens.

(Time among many other things, changes everything.)

Time changes everything. It makes things old. It makes things obsolete. It contributes to how principles maintain their origins or how they evolve to be better, or to be... not better. It could change ideas, it could change meaning to beliefs and feelings. It could change everything. And time, like many people, won't wait for anyone.
I've come to accept the fact that it is almost like a constant reminder for us to always pay attention to everything. And not take things for granted.

There was a time in my life when I had long hair. I wore clothes that may not be the most casual and socially accepted way to dress. I drank with friends. I did whatever I wanted to do. I had my beliefs and I did not think much of the future. I lived in the present in my own way. In my own terms. I was happy. Or I thought I was. With people around me that I trusted, and with the music I played, I thought I found happiness. But deep inside me, I knew what I really wanted in life and I knew what was really the most important thing to me. Which is of course, another topic for another day.
I didn't care how I looked. I didn't care if I looked like a dirtbag with ripped jeans and lots of chains. I'm not saying I was terrible and bad, and that those that looked the same way were awful. I'm just saying that it was how I used to be. In fact, I knew many good people that dressed the same way and lived that lifestyle. But like I said, we all change.

(I had long hair.)

I have changed. In so many ways. Because of a lot of reasons. Reasons I would like to talk about little by little through individual entries in this blog. In this diary. I'd like to talk about how I started listening to specific music, wore things I never thought I'd ever be into and eat or drink the things that I do now. I want to provide explanations as to why I do the things I do now and why I say the things I say.

We all change. Whether we like it or not. I too am a victim of changes. I'm still uncertain if I like the way I have changed. But I know enough to say that it is for the better.

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