Monday, March 19, 2012


We prepared 3 songs: Possessed, Children of the Night and Onslaught. Back then, I didn't realize the songs were too long and they could've used a bit or editing and rearrangement. But it still turned out to be quite a fun show and the people were chanting our band name by the end of the set.

The place was L'Alizé. James and Dan were drinking, waiting for our turn to take the stage. And I was just there sitting with my guitar: an ESP(LTD) EX-400BD. It is now currently discontinued and is replaced by a Wayne Static signature guitar. At least, the last time I checked it was the case. Not entirely sure now as of the date I'm writing this.
James was being himself as usual. This cool dude that dressed just like your regular chill metal head guy. I was the same. But Dan for some reason fancied the theatrics of having the opportunity to represent his favorite sub-genre of metal. He wore corpse paint and wanted to look like he's from a black metal band. Which we weren't at all. James and I didn't really approve of it, but we weren't gonna stop him from doing what he wants. After all, we want us to do what we want.

(Photo from that night. The bassist is not here.)

We played with PHEAR and As Bridges Burn. Not sure if I got the name of the last band there right. But whatever.

It was an awesome night. At first I was quite nervous. But when it came our time to jump on the stage, everything just turned differently. As soon as I hit that first power cord, I felt different. I felt energized and I felt great. By the end of the stage time, I didn't even want to leave anymore. I just wanted to keep playing. And it seems people liked us too. I was so into it I jumped off the stage and headbanged with the crowd during an instrumental where I didn't have to sing and be in front of the microphone.  It was like a dream come true. And playing for an audience that understand the music you write is already such a satisfying thing to experience.

I won't forget that night.
We all headed back to James' place in Isle-Des-Soeurs and talked about that 30-minute experience we tackled on during the show. We talked about crowd reactions and we talked about our next move. It was a great feeling and I wish I could play again. I really do. Writing music was something I was very passionate about. And it kills me inside to just talk about it in the past tense.

(Rehearsal photo from waaaayyy back then)

The only constant thing in this world is change. And we are all victims of changes.
Never will I forget the fun times I've had playing with such kind people. Some of the coolest people I've met. But things aren't the same and we all find paths in our lives after we learn what we need to do. And for all the bad times, I won't even bother thinking about them.

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