Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So far, I have written a lot about my past. And I am beginning to enjoy writing here more and more as days went by. I started this blog in an attempt to document my experiences, thoughts and principles in life. And I'd like to think that I have done a good job so far. Although, I am aware that it could be better. This isn't for anyone to see, despite it being a public diary. This is mainly for me. This is for me to see how I've done in life so far and to provide a proof of my existence for when I am gone.

Enough about the past for the meantime. Though, I really wish to write more about the things I have done and have went through. I just thought it would be nice and a good change to switch it up a little bit and talk about my plans for the future. Yes. Contrary to popular belief, I do think about my future. It may not seem like it, but I really do.

For now, I am trying to finish up my studies so I can go straight to either University or do a course in a private school. I'm sure to finish this year and hopefully, do a year working to save up for school and get a car. Driver's license should be easy. It's getting a good car, a car that I like, is the challenge here. I don't want to get a crap car and have problems with it months later.
Still uncertain as to what field I should tackle as a career. I would love to be in sound design. Perhaps I could manage to get into the video game industry as a sound designer. But I fear that it might be a field that's already saturated by tons of people. But if I really had the opportunity, I would go there for sure. Or perhaps I could go into a vocational course that offers an instant job upon graduation. Anyway, I'll figure it out. I wanna do this one step at a time. And the first step is to finish my studies and save up for school.

Considering I may or may not have given up on love, it opens up some advantages on my part. It means I wouldn't have to spend money I would usually spend on a girl. Man, looking back now, I'd buy my girlfriend anything. She won't even have to ask, if she mentioned it to me once. Weeks or months later, it'll be in her hands. I remember what girls say. At least, the ones that I loved.
So, with me completely not focusing on finding someone, it gives me an edge in saving up faster and being able to get things for myself. For once. Which I have been doing lately. Slowly, but surely. I have been very giving and thoughtful, it's time I become selfish for once.

Assuming I get to a point where I am finally financially stable and more than capable to live comfortably alone, I'll immediately get out of my mom's apartment. That, or if I'm lucky and blessed enough, I'd get a bigger place and give her a room in my condo/apartment. After all, it's just me and her in this country. I can't leave her alone just because of my pride. If she had a husband, I wouldn't worry about it. But she doesn't.
I have no intentions of working too hard to be more than just okay. I just want to live comfortably. Enough money to eat, pay my bills and buy things I want.

(Fun times in Reid Park Zoo: Arizona)

If ever a girl never really comes and crosses my life, it's still fine. Hopefully, people won't start thinking I've turned homosexual. I definitely am not. I just, I guess, would very much rather not go through pain again. I've worked so hard to help myself rise from where I've been before. I don't know if I'd be more than willing to compromise this newly found state I have attained. But, I would like to have a kid. Yeah, I said it. I've always wanted to have a sister, or a brother. But I just didn't have any. I grew up alone and it was okay. I suppose, I just want to be able to pass on the things I've learned in life and the values I was taught to respect, to someone who could carry it on for the next generation. When all is gone, all a man has left are his principles and values in life. And his balls... hopefully.
It means, I am strongly considering adoption. But only if I am financially capable. I would not even think of raising a child if I am not even able to take care of myself. This is for a later time in my life. And is only an idea. Nothing solid and established yet. But it is indeed something I think about all the time.

I wanna see the world. Seaira has shown me how vast the world really is. And she has taught me that there are great things outside the box I lived in. And I have seen the beauty of this planet from above. I would like to travel and see more of this world we live in. Not everyone gets a chance to do so, and it's quite a shame. I'm not rich to travel every month. But I wanna do my best so I can go somewhere every year or at least every two years. I've been to Florida and Arizona. I've been in Ottawa and Quebec as well. I wanna hit either Autralia or if I'm feeling cheap and lazy, New York. I wanna go to these places I have never been to before.

(Ottawa, if I remember correctly)

This entry's been quite lengthy already. I'll stop for now. I have some studying to do.
Whoever's reading this, thank you.

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