Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beautiful Clouds

I woke up to a very dim airplane cabin. The passengers have all closed their windows. I have too. It was funny how tiring it could get to travel, yet I don't really do anything but sit there. Sitting for extended period of time sure could get terribly tiring. I didn't have any issues with the dark. In fact, sometimes I enjoy being in the dark. Quite relaxing. But of course, having light to help you see everything is always better.

(Just like clouds, love vanishes and becomes a mere memory.)

What was outside, I wanted to see.
Is it morning, noon or night time. It didn't occur to me to check my phone. But then again, it would've been pointless because I have turned FLIGHT MODE on and it didn't have the connection to update the time to a more accurate reading.
And so, without thinking twice, I slowly opened the window on my side. Thinking that if I opened it slowly, the light won't bother the people so much. I was wrong, it was stupid. Hehe. The light entered the cabin and I got the reaction of the people. I woke them up. Too bad, I really wanted to look outside. Try and stop me!

Before my eyes, the beautiful clouds littered the surroundings of the plane I was riding. They looked like giant cotton candies. And the blue sky around and the oceans below made it so much more of an amazing sight to behold. It was just really... beautiful. Like her...

The very first thing that came to my mind was her beauty. Out and within. We weren't the best of people, far from perfect. But I saw the world in her eyes and the beauty I'd die for. The love I'd die for.
And then not even a second later, I already knew what I wished to do. These clouds, I wished so much to be able to bring her some. A beautiful gift to someone equally or more beautiful. I wanted to maybe take some and put them in a jar. So I could give it to her... But it was just not possible. I told myself that someday, I wanna go sky diving and grab some of these clouds as a gift for her. I wanted to show her that I'd risk my life just so I could give her a piece of Heaven. Heh... piece of Heaven.

It's quite a shame. It won't ever happen.

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