Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back to School: Day 26 [Progression]

Another exam done tonight. And another one in two weeks. I planned on spending Friday to just study for my other course in preparation for the upcoming exam. I will have Saturday and Sunday as well. The objective is to make sure those 3 days are spent in a productive way. Unlike my other course, this one isn't something I can just easily pass without actually putting in the effort to study. I'm aware of it and I know exactly what to do. But knowing is only half the battle. Execution is the other half.

Given the recent events in my life, I'm left with nothing much to write about in these blog entries. I would usually talk about her in these entries. But now, I just can't. Not that I have nothing to say. I do. I still do. And I will continue to write a bit more. But just under a different series of some sort. In a short amount of time, her presence in my life made a specific mark. And that is the fact that I have finally decided to move on and pursue love once again. Sadly, I was not able to find that with her. But I got out of the open prison cell I have incarcerated myself in. And that's a big step towards finally moving on. It feels good. And I'm glad. Although certain notions remain the same, at least I'm a legitimately happier and cheerful person nowadays. I have my doubts and discouragements. But I'm hopeful that somehow I'll be lucky. The war still rages within. But I know I can conquer it. If I was weak, then I would've given up and died a long time ago.
And so I will. I will continue to write. I remember those very few times. And I will highlight them by writing about them in this blog for people after me to see. For those who wanted to know more about me and the things I've been through.

I've woken up so early within the past two days. I wanna crash early tonight and hopefully get an extra hour or two of sleep. No lengthy entries since that day. I have none but myself to blame.

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