Monday, February 25, 2013

Back to School: Day 22 [Another Night]

Nothing new to report in terms of activities involving school. Though there are a few things that required my immediate and serious attention. But I've done the work and now left with just the finishing touches and minor preparatory tasks prior to submission and presentation. No sweat. For once since the class started, I actually had to sit down and be serious about things. I've been slacking and had a few absences here and there. But I know I can afford to make these mistakes without jeopardizing my success rate. For now, I can enjoy an easy class and breeze through things without any worries regarding the possibility of failure. I know I can pass this and all I really want is to finally write the exam. But that won't be until April of this year.

As time goes by and the completion of these two classes I signed up for draws near, I've been doing a lot of thinking as to what I should take after. I can just easily study what I've always wanted, but based on past experiences, I can't just do as I pleased. My passion does play a significant role in how successful or easy it would be for me, but at the same time I understand the fact that I may only be able to dedicate 2 to 3 years of my life to studies. Granted I am not exactly that old, but I have plans and goals within the next 3 years or at least have a notion of what I want my life to be in three years time. School's easy and cheap right now. But I'm aware that it's about to get more serious and expensive really soon. Am I prepared for it? At my current state, probably not. I know I can be serious and very passionate when I want to be. So it really just boils down to what is viable to me in terms of time, funds and availability of employment after graduation. I'm looking at the video game industry as the primary field I would like to get into. It could be in Sound Design (my first choice) or another domain unknown to me. I will definitely have to look into and conduct further research as to what are my available options. I could also get into being a Lab. Technician or somewhere along those lines where I can work in laboratories. Because of my built, I feel like it might not be a very intelligent decision to get into fields that require a lot of physical work. And so that fact easily crosses out quite a handful of options for me. I can follow my mother's steps by going into accounting. But it's almost like my last resort. I can't follow my father's footsteps either, law isn't exactly something that interests me. I can be a nurse like a lot of Filipinos. But I want to be different. At the same time, I've tried so hard to be different and where did I find myself in the end? Still, it's something I don't see myself doing either. Although hospitals might be a good place to work in.

It's obvious that I will have to get into a field where I can both appreciate and be passionate about what I'm studying and hopefully in the end, what I'll be doing as a career. I understand that because of the mistakes I've made in the past, I do not have the luxury of time today to waste more years not establishing a better future for myself. And so my acts to make my life better in all aspects possible have been very immediate and stressful. Though things are a bit later than usual, I'm glad that somehow I've realized and had my eyes open before I was too old to do things. I look at my classmates and they are way older than me and we're studying the same thing or are even way below me in terms of progression. So I suppose it's not really too late for me. It's definitely delayed, but it's far from too late.

I've thought of what I want my life to be in three years. But it's a topic for another night. I've written a little bit about it in an earlier post, but I can tackle that subject in more detail. But that time is not tonight. Perhaps another time, another night.

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