Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Back to School: Day 23 [Disappointing]

Work was great today. I felt like I've done things in an efficient way, got along pretty well with both of my coworkers I worked with and helped quite a few people including an old lady who asked for directions in the center. I actually helped two people find what they were looking for outside the store. So I did customer service even outside my workplace. Talk about giving a helping hand.

As I was busy there making some lemonade, metaphorically speaking of course, my phone which was in my back pocket started vibrating. It was PyroTech calling me. I could not answer. But once I finished the tasks I was given, I went to the toilet real quick (I really needed to anyway) to give him a quick phone call. We agreed to meet up after work and I hung up as soon as I can. It only took like a minute or two, I wanted it to be quick because I knew I had a lot of work to do and I couldn't really stand around and chat.

I got out of work and rendezvoused with Pyro. He asked me if I had anything to do and I told him it's cool. I do have school but I can afford to miss this class. I'll go tomorrow. I figured we had a few things we needed to talk about and now that he's on vacation, we can chill more often during our free time.
We discussed a handful of subjects involving her, cars, food, girls, video games and shit. You know? Guy stuff. I don't really feel like going into much detail. But let's just say things turned out to be quite disappointing with her. I haven't been this disappointed in a very long time. It's not even that I'm mad or upset. I'm just disappointed. We could've been more honest and dealt with things like adults. But she chose to proceed with the childish and disrespectful method of facing things. But what can I do? Nothing, really. But it's okay. I'll walk away without a word. It's her loss. Not mine. I just hope that she doesn't miss out on other sincere guys. And I hope that she approaches them with honesty. As I have been towards her since the beginning.
And as for her being mad at both Pyro and I, I don't see any reason why she should be. But I stand by my brother's side. I'm a stranger to her. Well, compared to Pyro, she's a stranger to me. I hope that guy from California is worth it.

Pyro and I discussed a few things regarding cars. I learned quite a few things, in fact. I'm glad I actually paid attention and walked away with some knowledge under my belt. Life's all about learning and today I learned some things: about cars, girls, people and other shit. The guy can be very judgmental or boastful, but the truth is he states the truth and the truth can be very blunt in most cases. And so it's good to listen to what he has to say and take points from them. I told him that the best thing he can do for me is just be honest. And when he did tell me, he ended up telling me things I really needed to hear. May it be about me being lazy, about my standing in life and things that I did now know about her and what she thought of me. In the end, it helped me a lot and it made me easily decide on things. The truth can be very disappointing and in many cases, quite painful. But time, it was just disappointing. I've lost someone more valuable to me back then. This is like a mosquito bite compared to that. So I'm more than just fine.
It just turns out this gift I'm carrying with me, she does not deserve. I'm still contemplating on whether I should give it to her or not.

In the end, all is well and I'm more than just fine. I'm looking at a prospect and might make contact tomorrow if I see her. Conducting initial basic reconnaissance before I make my move. I'll proceed and act, I have nothing to lose. Vlada is a very strong name.

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