Monday, October 15, 2012

The Future is Black [Black Ops II]

(Call of Duty: Black Ops II - The Future is Black)

Call of Duty: Black Ops II is right around the corner. In just a few more weeks, the wait will finally be over and our anticipation for this upcoming Call of Duty installment would be fed with hands on gameplay. It's been such an excitement learning things about the game as the developer released information and details within the last few weeks and months. At first, I wasn't very excited at all. I thought that perhaps it wouldn't be a great idea for Treyarch to handle a futuristic CoD game. I always favored Infinity Ward. But it seems the other studio is proving to be a more innovative and better developer than IW. But I will reserve judgment until the game is finally released and we get to play this release in our seats at home.

Black Ops was the game where I'd like to think I started getting better in Call of Duty. My first game was Modern Warfare 2 and at the time, I will be completely honest that I was garbage. I wouldn't get good scores at all and at times, I found myself camping. But with Black Ops, after playing with better people and getting myself immersed in all of the YouTube identities connected with the Call of Duty series, I was able to step up my game and be a better player. Way better than before. Black Ops let me get away and have a chance of relying on my evasive maneuvers whenever I was getting shot at. It was a big thing for me and I knew it was not like that at all in my first Call of Duty game. That was the biggest thing for me that I have noticed when I transitioned from MW2 to BO. And it was a well appreciated change. Though, now I don't really mind IW's almost instant death damage dealing. I have gotten used to it.

In this next Call of Duty installment, there are a couple of things I'm looking forward to. Of course, one can easily argue that this is just another CoD game spewed after just another year and there might not be a lot of changes compared to the IW release last year. But all the same, I see a few things they have in this one that intrigues me and sort of spark this stagnant interest I've had with Modern Warfare 3 for almost months now.

Pick 10 Class Customization
This is a great idea. At least to me, it is. This will allow for players to be able to sort of run the class loadouts they would really prefer to utilize instead of being limited by an allocation setup that the older games have established for us. Of course, a limit is setup to establish a wall between being free and abusing the system. And so you have a 10 point allocation medium of customizing class loadouts paired with perk tier availability. Not exactly sure how balanced it is. But my best guess is it's not gonna be so bad at all and we could expect this system to bring about a more balanced and competitive results in terms of class customization. And I'm totally looking forward to this, probably more than anything about the game.

(New scorestreaks. Can't wait to try these.)

All New Scorestreaks
New game, new killstreaks. Only this time, they are called "Scorestreaks". One can refer to them as Killstreaks and we would all still understand what he or she was talking about. Though, the real term might be more appropriate for its intended function in the new Call of Duty game. I won't talk about how they are gained for it is a bit different this time around. In shorter terms, it's the MW3 system of Pointstreaks, but better. Though, the fact that you still lose your streak if you die makes me feel like this system wouldn't really implement properly at all. Unless the advantage of getting these scores are really worth the death you can potentially suffer by playing objectives. Most people might prefer to not die and get the streak reset than to risk dying for those few points that would mean nothing in the end because you died trying to be an objective player. Don't get me wrong, I am a very objective type player. I am the type that prefers Domination than TDM, S&D than TDM and Demolition than TDM. Yes, I do have a decent K/D on both TDM and Overall, but I'm proud to admit that the way I play kill-based and objective type modes is not the same and in no way always a slayer type of role.

I'm pretty psyched about the new scorestreaks they're including this time around. And I can't wait to be able to try them out.

Custom Emblems
Yes, Custom Emblems are back and supposedly better than ever. And this is a pretty exciting addition as well. I honestly enjoyed being able to create my own emblem and show it to other players to either receive praise or criticism. However, this also means that we will most likely once again witness tons of beastiality, anal sex and penis emblems. Which I found none to be offensive enough to merit an upset emotion from me. I've always found them funny. Maybe I'm just too much of a lenient person for my own good. I don't know. But since the customized emblem is back, I might as well rejoice too among many other players that are very happy to know this feature is making a comeback. I can't wait to run my I-Ching hexagram or Ninja emblem. It'll be pretty fucking sweet.

Yes. I'm one of those people that actually play the campaign of a Call of Duty game. In fact, I would very much prefer to finish the game's single player story mode before hitting the multiplayer part. But friends and clan mates are always starting with the multiplayer and I know I need to join them since it'll be much more fun to play together than sit down after getting the game and just play alone. I wouldn't mind that but like I mentioned, playing with friends is always fun and a better experience overall. I just kinda wished the series would bring back a co-op mode for the story campaign of Call of Duty games. Something we have not seen at all after World at War. But, nothing too major and big of a deal to complain about. But like I mentioned, it would definitely be a nice addition and would certainly bring replayability to the single player story mode. I could be wrong, but that's what I think at least.

In the end, I'm just generally excited to be able to play a new game with my friends and brothers. Don't get me wrong, I like Modern Warfare 3 despite it being dubbed as a Modern Warfare 2 update or DLC. There is something about the weapons used and setting of the game that appeals to me even better than what Black Ops had to offer. But of course, you can't argue with the great work that Treyarch have put into the realization of that excellent game. I suppose it's just about time that we indulge in something different than MW3. At least, different in terms of particular content. But we all know it is in fact, just another Call of Duty game with basic aspects of the past installments still present as its skeletal system. Same shit, different day. But with differences here and there.

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