Sunday, October 14, 2012

SoW News 02: PyroTech's Birthday & Black Ops II

Recent and notable clan activities involved 2 major events: SoW PyroTech's birthday and the fact that we all have finally pre-ordered the game, "Call of Duty: Black Ops II". Pyro's birthday celebration consisted of two separate gatherings. One with oCt's Soulja/Hitman, where SoW was invited to spend a fun night just having chats, drinking and having some laughs. Second was Pyro's own event where he decided to bring us to a relative's extravagant sushi restaurant. Quite a handful of things have taken place in between, before and after the events mentioned, but as the one typing this news report, I'm just too lazy to document everything that has been going on. Though, I might decide to write about smaller things in a separate entry if I felt like it.
With that said, let's get on with a more detailed report on those two major SoW events.

SoW PyroTech's Bestday [Pre-Celebration]
Prior to Pyro's official birthday celebration held at a relative's fine sushi restaurant, Soulja of the oCt family invited us over at his place to hang out, have a few drinks and share a laugh or two. Some of us were lucky enough to be available that night, but unfortunately for most of the members, they were already compromised to attend other events. Scout, PyroTech and NiNja were able to heed Soulja's call and we were glad, honored and pleased to be able to make it that night. ReApEr of the oCt clan was also able to make his appearance and it was of great pleasure to me and my brothers to chill with him since he's not someone we often see, unlike the other oCt members. Chill dude w/ lotsa fun stories, just like Soulja.
The night was great and we had a lot of fun. It would've been way nicer if we all made it. But it is understandable that some will not be able to attend such gatherings from time to time. Overall, a great night spent with great people and it's time well spent.

(Scout, ReApEr, NiNja and Soulja.)

SoW PyroTech's Bestday [Celebration]
The following day after that great night w/ Soulja and ReApEr, it was finally time to celebrate SoW PyroTech's birthday. We proceeded as planned. And as a rare occurrence, all SoW members w/ the exception of SoW SiFu were able to attend the event. Special guests were Soulja and his fiancee. It was quite unfortunate that invitations were limited due to technicalities w/ the restaurant hosting the celebration. But we manage w/ what we have and we only had a few invitations available.
Another fun day spent together and in the end, we all agreed for it to be a great day. As usual, an SoW member received a girly balloon and a gift in a girly paper bag. It has become quite a ritual to get a member such a silly set of gifts. But it's funny and I see it continuing to be a constant in birthday celebrations. A ritual that started w/ Soulja when he invited us for his birthday at BulletRush's old residence.

(The whole SoW clan. Soulja substituting SiFu: far left)

Call of Duty: Black Ops II [PRE-ORDERS]
It is now official that all SoW members have finally made their pre-orders for the upcoming Call of Duty installment, "Black Ops II" by game developer, TREYARCH. There are plans of another gathering the night before the game is released here in North America, but nothing solid and confirmed. Though it is highly possible to take place. Aimbot and InTeL will be picking up their copies together. While Scout, PyroTech and Rogue all made their orders at the same store. NiNja, unlike last year, will be on a rendezvous w/ oCt members, Cykez and FiRe instead of InTeL, to pick up his copy. Most SoW members have pre-ordered a HARDENED copy of the game. Though, there is no news of ELITE being any part of Black Ops II. However, just having the extra stuff included in the Hardened edition is enough incentive for us to purchase the said version of the release.

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