Saturday, September 1, 2012

SoW NiNja Figure by VelaNoon of Playfire

Playfire is a gaming social network web site that I joined a couple of years back. If my memory serves me correct, a friend of mine from Tumblr introduced me to this online community and I was attracted to the concept of it. The next thing I know, I was already registered and found myself making changes and customizing my profile. Though, I did not frequent the message boards until months later. It was such a great website and had tons of great features that kept me coming back and checking. It offered some functionalities that we no longer have the luxury of experiencing nowadays. But I am still hopeful that eventually, the site would be able to provide such a level of service it did back then. Still, it's a good site and I recommend it to any gamer out there. However, I am well aware that there might be way better gaming social networks out there.

After I was dubbed "SoW NiNja" by the clan I am currently part of, I decided to carry on the online persona through various online networks I was part of. Twitter, YouTUBE and of course, Playfire as well.
Influenced by Dr DisRespect, a YouTUBE personality that I really, really, well... respect, I donned the headset over the ninja mask. I was such a big fan, I still am, and wearing the headset was my way of paying homage and honoring such an athletic online warlord. And during Black Ops, my emblem was constructed after his own emblem that was essentially a circular, red bordered, emblem of awesome. Black and red were my favorite colors. And yes, I know black is not a color, it's a shade.
Aside from the Tritton headset, I also put some sunglasses on. But I did not want to wear it. So I just decided to wear it on my forehead. I liked aviators, and so those are what I wore. Another reference to the great Dr DisRespect.

(The headset and the sunglasses were my homage to show my respect for Dr DisRespect.)

Back in Playfire, the persona I have established seemed to have made a significant impact to several members of the community. And I have continued to play the role of the Ninja, the Shinobi: Aron.
My antics were either appreciated and met with humor. But of course, there were those that did not get it and were more stiff than a morning wood. I ignored them and focused on making those that appreciated my effort to be different laugh and find amusement in what I do. I was motivated by the role playing aspect of it and I still find myself executing some antics from time to time. Though, not as often anymore as I used to. After all, I have not been frequenting the site that much lately. Perhaps I should once again.

A member of the forums named VelaNoon, thought of this idea of creating a sort of keychain or figure based solely on the character I have established. The concept was really nice and I was mighty flattered that she'd even go out of her way to do such a thing. And so I highly supported it and was extremely excited to see the project come to life. After a few weeks and maybe months of no exchange in information regarding the figure/keychain, I suddenly received an email notification that I have received a message on Playfire. And so I immediately checked my profile and learned that she has sent me a message telling me of her progress with the AronOuroboros figure. I was delighted and now even more excited than ever to see what she has created so far. And she then sent me a photo of her prototypes. They looked kawaii and even though she claimed that they were not up to her standards, I was already amazed and impressed. Shortly after, she has finished the figure and even added details like the headset, the sunglasses and the I Ching tattoo that I recently got! It was quite impressive and the way she has done them was quite cute and adorable. Looking at the figure, I can't imagine how painstaking the process of making it would've been. The small parts that she added were surely a difficult task to execute. And I truly appreciate her effort in making this project happen.

(Rear view: I Ching tattoo on the back of the figure. Arm too small for detail)

(Front view: Headset and the sunglasses were added details! Definitely SoW NiNja)

Her efforts and time spent in creating this amazing piece of art is vastly appreciated. And I'm so glad and mighty flattered that I was even chosen as a character for such an artwork. It's quite something and I intend to compensate her this item if she decides to give it to me. If not, it's still all good and I'm just glad to have been a model for her craftsmanship. Thank you very much, miss VelaNoon.
She should open up an ETSY store. I bet many would be willing to pay for such amazingly cute creations like this!

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