Friday, August 31, 2012

SitRep [August 31, 2012]

It's been quite some time since the last SitRep entry and I am glad to finally be sitting down to create one after a refreshing shower and sipping on a glass of cold pineapple juice.
Quite a handful of subjects to tackle this time around and I intend to do my best to talk about each of them in as much detail as I can. In this entry, I planned on writing about recent happenings that have taken place in my life and what's to come in the very near future. Such subjects include school, plans after school, the shirt that Scout got me from the Philippines and Soulja, Scout and I just driving around having a chill time.
So without further ado, let's get started.

Same School, Different Day
I in fact skipped 2 or 3 sessions and actually delayed myself from finally finishing the course by a couple of months. Talk about laziness and lack of discipline. But after a long period of break and extreme procrastination, I have finally brought myself to lift my ass up and get it to school for a registration/enrollment. And boy am I glad to finally have found the testicular fortitude to do so.

French V and History are essentially the only two courses I need to pass so I can finally grab my H.S. diploma. I am sadly quite delayed and late with my education, but looking at my classmates and how old they are, I see myself as almost the youngest in the classes I have been to. After those 2 subjects, I get to have the option of either going for a vocational training course or attend University studies. I am still contemplating whether I should go for a quick course or devote some time to University. Right now, I really have no idea what field to go to but if I am really given the chance of studying something without being buried in debt in the end, I'd go for Sound Design or something along the lines of video games. If not, I'm thinking of doing courses for accounting and just be a Goddamn banker so I can wear chill suits. Yes, I'm that shallow. I should go sit down one day and think things to develop a bit more of ambition.

By December of this year, I should be done. And I can choose to focus on finding a better job and working a bit to save for myself. I'll do things one step at a time, slowly but surely.

No Photos, Please!
Scout went to the Philippines to attend to some family matters. SoW experienced a bit of activity fluctuation when he left but members like me, Pyro and Aimbot did put some effort in making sure things in the clan remain running. There were a few things that were put on hold and were not executed because of his absence, but upon his return those that were held stagnant were brought to his attention and were mostly dealt with. Prior to his return he asked me what I would like for him to get since he'd be returning back to Canada in a few days. I honestly stopped to think for a bit but in all honesty, I couldn't think of anything for him to bring me. It's maybe because I wanted so much or perhaps because I didn't even want anything at all. So in the end, I just told him to not worry himself about it and just enjoy his stay there and come back to us in one piece.

Days later he finally came back and we were all glad to finally have him among with us once again. What was supposedly only a couple of weeks felt like longer. And the first day I finally found the time to RV with him, he handed me a shirt he got from the Philippines. It was a gray shirt and on the front of it "No photos, please!" is written. It was pretty cool shirt and I even wore it to work and got some reaction from people. Too bad it's in the laundry basket and I can't wear it to take a photo. But I definitely will very soon.

The Good, the Good and the Good
It was a great night at the pageant that Soulja's fiancee participated in. I've chilled with some great and funny people. And as promised, I showed up for the venue. I couldn't make it last time and I'm glad I was finally able to. It was such a great event and it was so worth my time. I wanted all of SoW to show their support for Mariel but unfortunately not everyone could make it. I would've preferred for everyone to be there. But it's okay. In the end, Mariel won the Congeniality award and performed her song on stage. I was surprised she didn't even place 3rd in the Talent competition. It was outrageous. Compared to the 3 participants that performed, only one of them felt to me deserved to be there. But then again, I'm not a judge. Maybe there's more to it than just choosing the best performances.

The pageant itself was quite amazing. The contestants are great but most of them I don't even like at all. There was one contestant that I liked. I think her name was Sabrina. But it doesn't really matter.

In the following day, we went to Dim Sum in South Shore for some brunch. FiRe, SeAfoO, Soulja, Scout and Mariel were there as well. The food was pretty great and it seemed like a clean place. The waitresses were quite kind and courteous as well. Overall, it was a good restaurant and I wouldn't mind coming back if given the opportunity. I just kinda feel bad they had to pick me up because I woke up late. It shows how much I really need to acquire my own vehicle so issues like this can be easily dealt with.

After, we just spent the day driving around and having fun in stores. It was a chill day. I don't get to hang with these two gentlemen, but when I do, it's always a pleasure.

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