Monday, June 25, 2012


For quite some time, a friend of mine have been trying to get me to play a game with him and his GF. He would tell me a lot of stories about his quests and adventures in this world I knew nothing of. Though, I knew a tiny bit about the lore and the characters. And even some of the terms utilized in the realm of this fantasy world. After all, I did play Warcraft II. World of Warcraft seemed to be quite an interesting enough game for me to give a shot. However, I was mainly a console gamer and to play something on the PC wasn't really anything I strongly considered. He even went as far as inviting me over to his place and serving me dinner just so we could chill and show me the game. And I did watch attentively and payed attention.

I remember him showing me this really red landscape. The terrain appealed to me quite a bit and I was amazed my the diversity and the open world aspect of it. The graphics weren't the best but the gameplay seemed solid. And you just had so much to do. But still after all that he had shown me, I still wasn't convinced. And so I went home and didn't think about it again.

That time when I decided to get a copy, I don't quite remember anymore. I just remember having the vanilla copy of the game and installed it on my mother's laptop. I believe at the time, I didn't have a functioning computer. I didn't even bother getting the chest with the initial game plus the first expansion. I figured, I was just going to try the game and play for a bit. Little did I know of what I was getting myself into...

(I never thought I'd play this game for that long... But it was a good run.)

After quite some time, I started realizing how much I was hooked already. To the point where I already attached a mouse and a keyboard to my mom's laptop. And then shortly after, I was putting an electric fan on the thing just to keep it from heating up too much. That's when I realized I should get my PC fixed and take this gaming experience to a better level. And so I did. Months later, I had a PC assembled and got a great setup that I still use today. The game was quite addicting. And I must admit, I really got hooked.

I played mainly as an Undead Warrior from the Horde faction. I got to level 80 and was ready to raiding Naxxramas. But my gear wasn't really up to par to do Ulduar just yet. But I stopped playing after for various reasons. I specced mainly Fury but had an Off-Spec of Protection just for tanking if I really have to. I'd like to think I was a decent player. I actually have a good account. I should probably sell the character. But I'd rather not. Even though I believe I'd never play again, I don't feel like I could ever delete my character or the account. I've had great experiences because of this game. The time I felt like I've wasted are not really that bad whenever I think of how much I've gained and learned because of it. Only now, memories are all I have.

(Shirt: The Forsaken Are METAL)

Sadly, like I said, I don't see myself playing this game anymore. I actually had the Cataclysm expansion pre-ordered. But due to some very unfortunate turn of events, I was not able to play any longer. And in fact, just the mention of this game gets me so stirred. But I feel like I should write about this one too whether it makes me feel uncomfortable or not. I rode my motorcycle towards the small town near Undercity and continued forward until I reached the shores. That specific location is very important to me... I have spent some time there talking to someone. We'd just stay there and talk. I figured, if I'd be quitting for good and letting this character die, then I might as well let my character die right there.

World of Warcraft is quite an excellent game. Despite of how much people would criticize it, and even judge the people that played it, I could easily and proudly say that I have been a part of that demographic who got hooked into this game. However, I wasn't hooked to the point where I'd throw some things in my life just for it. I have stories to tell that might be quite interesting. However, I believe it's something that I will just have to keep between me and her.

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