Saturday, May 26, 2012

What's Been Going On So Far?

It's been quite some time since I last made an entry. Well, the truth is, I've written one about a week ago. Though, it was to finish up the last post for my SoW: Declassified series where I briefly talked about my fellow clan members. It was quite nice to take a break from writing about myself and actually take the time to look at other people and evaluate or observe them, then put my thoughts on paper. Well, not paper, but... screen. I'll be sure to write about the oCt as well. And of course, our other friends that are quite unfortunate to be outside Montreal. But for now, we'll resume regular programming. It kinda feels nice to sit down and write again.

Lately, I've been very occupied with Diablo III. I played as much as I can since it came out last 15th of May. I hit the level cap a couple of days ago and I'm almost ready to begin the last difficulty called, 'INFERNO'. I've heard that it's quite an extremely difficult mode and was not designed with casual players in mind. In fact, melee classes like the Barbarian and Monk supposedly are having a terribly excruciating time playing through said difficulty. Luckily, I chose to be a Demon Hunter. Well, it was the closest class to a ninja. If there was a ninja class, I would've picked that one. Definitely. However, we can all agree that putting a ninja in a game will significantly reduced game length down to most likely 15 minutes. I don't feel the need to explain myself for I am more than certain we all know what it entails.

(Thanks to an ex-coworker/friend from TRU, I've received a Collector's Edition of the game.)

I definitely am enjoying the game quite a ton. I haven't even logged in on my SoW_StormShadow account on PSN to play Modern Warfare 3 w/ my friendos. I don't even remember how long it has been. I'll find out eventually. My absence has left me feeling a bit disconnected from my clan mates and CoD comrades. And that made me realize how much I've become attached to these individuals. It's quite admirable. However, a part of me is weary of sentimentalism. I suppose there is still corruption left in me, despite of how much effort I have exerted into purging myself and devouring all that I believe to be weak parts and aspects of myself. Although, it is indeed quite a good break to distance myself from CoD at least for a bit. Experience other games. It is only sad that my friends cannot join me.

In other news, my favorite oCt member once again surprised me with an awesome gift. Soulja just recently got me a really kick ass shirt that simply adds more 'ninjawesomeness' to my wardrobe options. The guy's really great and I'm very happy to have met him, his fiancee and everyone I've hung out with that's connected to him. Very good people and without a doubt that I've hooked up with the right people this time. Unlike before... He gave me this awesome shirt for free as a token of appreciation for volunteering to help his fiancee out with audio editing got her beauty pageant. Which she won, by the way. I didn't really expect to get paid in any way or whatsoever. In fact, I did it as my own token of appreciation for how kind and respectful they both are towards me and my brothers. They say they owe me, but I say I owe them. Thank you very much, Soulja and Mariel. I appreciate it.

(Soulja could be my official shirt provider. Hohohohoho! Thanks, man!)

What else to write about... Hmm...
Turned down a chance for promotion. First of all, I have no intentions of staying there and getting myself into more responsibilities that don't match up with the pay. And so I decided to finally tell my manager that it was not of my best interest to undergo further training to become more than what I currently am right now. Having the keys is good and all. But adding more responsibilities to what I have now simply just doesn't add up properly to how much they'd increase my pay. Not worth it at all. Besides, I'll be leaving soon. She somewhat threatens me by stating how she'd give me less hours. But the thing is, I don't give a fuck. That would mean I'd have more time for school and video games. So, not that bad at all. Might give me the right amount of push to the butt cheeks so I move my ass with finding another job. I need one that would make acquiring a Cadillac CTS a faster feat to achieve.

That's it for now. I need to shower.

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