Monday, March 26, 2012

St. Willibrord

Church was almost a definite to me a while back. Sundays, you'll see me in churches. And I was sincerely religious. Or at least, I thought I was. Things have happened in my life and my passion for religion has faded. This is a topic for another day. It's not what I'm here to write about. Plus, I'd rather not touch the subject.

(St. Willibrord Parish in VERDUN.)

I used to work at this church when I was a bit younger. I cleaned the church and helped the people with the donations they've been receiving. And they've received a lot of stuff. And all these things they either give away to poor people or they sell them and use the money for the church. Whatever they did with them was none of my concern. I was there to earn some cash so I can buy a guitar amplifier. I was already in the road to a non-religious life when I worked there. With the help of my mother as an active member of the church community thing... She got me in and was earning cash for a bit. I didn't stay for too long. I don't even think I worked there for a month. I suppose it was just not my thing. I didn't like it, honestly speaking. But it gave me money for my first guitar amplifier.

One time, I was inside the church doing some work and the priest approached me. I suppose he was curious as to what I was listening to with my MP3 player. At the time, Slayer's Raining Blood was playing. And when he asked me, I answered... well... Evanescence. Hohohohohohoho! That was the first thing I could think of. I lied right inside the church. I'm so going to Hell for that one. But I loved listening to metal. And I still do. And so I listened to it regardless of wherever I was. I remember waking up in the morning and listening to metal. And fall asleep listening to metal.

I think after 2 weeks, I left. It was fun too to a certain extent. Because there was a small kitten in the church. It was cute. But not enough of a reason to stay. I've gotten what I wanted and I didn't stay. I thank them for providing me with a paycheck to pay for what I needed.

The last time I went to church for a mass... I don't even remember.

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