Sunday, March 25, 2012

Paintball w/ SoW and oCt Cykez [Part 1]

(It was a lot of fun. A day to remember.)

I woke up early after almost not being able to sleep due to my excitement. It was the day we were going to go play paintball. For the first time. I was very excited, a bit nervous and at the same time, pumped to shoot some sons of bitches. And boy... I fucking did.

I got ready and tried a bit to wear something that I won't mind messing up. Because I know I'll be running around, diving, rolling and laying on the ground. It was a scenario game where two teams battle it out in a huge map. I even brought a shirt so I can use it as a ninja mask. Nothing practical really. It was all for the sake of being different from the others. Plus, they call me ninja. I wanted to wear it. I didn't though. Coz it was fucking hot! I will next time. Goddamn, I will this year.

It was amazing. Quite exciting. And it was very physically demanding as well. I ran, I jumped, I climbed, I dove, rolled on the ground and crawled. You can't stick your head out. The markers aren't particularly accurate at long range, but from medium to close range, sticking your head out would get you killed. Not literally, of course.
We played for hours with a lunch break around PM1 or something. I actually enjoyed lunch and I thought it was well worth the money I payed. I can't wait to go again this year. It'll be awesome. We even decided to get our own markers, we liked the game that much. I too have decided to get one, yeah. And I wanna get a TIBERIUS ARMS T9.1 RANGER FS.

(Tiberius T9.1 Ranger FS)

I was hit like 4 times. Nothing major though. I did get hit in the head on my first run to the skirmish. But I didn't repeat that mistake. After all, I'd like to think that I'm quite excellent when it comes to 'learning from mistakes'. Except with girls, I seem to always fall in love and I'm starting to think it's been my biggest mistakes. But back to topic, yeah, got hit on top of my head. I suppose it was sticking out. My fault. But I probably would've done better if my mask wasn't fucking fogging. I ran in the beginning. I had to stop behind a pile of dirt because I couldn't see anymore. And that's when I got hit. Fuck.
I also got hit on the arm. But it was a load of bollocks since I was behind cover, and I got shot from my team's side. Fucking dumbasses, man. Seriously. It didn't mark much since the overalls we were wearing absorbed most of the impact. The other two hits were my legs. Nothing major. But it could be lethal in a real battlefield. For sure.

Now onto my good moments. I've gotten quite a handful of kills. Though, I did play very tactically and conservative. No, I didn't camp. But I moved forward from cover to cover. Supporting team mates as they moved up, flanked and provided suppressing fire. I kinda wished my marker had more range. But it's paintball, not real guns.
There was this guy who didn't see me approach him from a cover. And since I was so close, I couldn't fire anymore. So I did what I was supposed to do, I yelled 'FREEZE'. The mother fucker, instead of raising his arms, started firing at me from behind his cover. I was caught off-guard. I slowly backed away, while firing at him. I think there's a term for that. I learned it while watching a pistol firing tips video on YouTube. I was falling back to a cover, while firing at the same time. Luckily, the guy didn't hit me even though I was completely open. I didn't hit him either. But it would've been awesome if I did. But that was a close one. And frankly, I wanted to kick the guy in the face.

Another good moment was when Aimbot, Rogue and the others were with me on top of a house cover. We had a good vantage point and we kept the line. Though, the enemies were pushing hard. We stood our ground and provided support in the front. This girl was with us on top. We were taking heavy fire since it was pretty obvious the house would be a camping spot. Though, it was a great location for a clear vantage point. She got hit right on the face! There were some paint on her visor so she couldn't see much. I approached her and wiped her goggles off with my sleeve. I asked her if she was okay, she nodded. Then I wiped the paint off her goggles and told her to keep her head down. Rogue saw the whole ordeal and told me it was like a friggin' MEDAL of HONOR moment. The guy's funny. He was also filming us with his phone. Wish he uploaded that.

From that same vantage point, I laid prone and did my job proving suppressing fire to halt the advance of the enemy troops. There was this guy behind a shack. I was shooting at him, but he wasn't realizing it. After a few shots, I managed to land a paint on him. I hit him on the arm, he faltered a bit into a more vulnerable and wide profile stance. That's when I started pummeling him with all I've got in my feeder! I hit him on the body, then on the.... BALLS!!!
He dropped his marker and was on the ground for a good 2 minute. Until the referee helped him get back up and away from the hot zone. I was laughing my ass off and showed it to Aimbot. We couldn't believe it. I was so happy... yeah... Haha. I won't forget that shot.

I'll continue this some other time. I've got other things to do. This concludes PAINTBALL part 1.

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