Tuesday, March 6, 2012

About the Man Behind the Computer

I have finally found the time to sit down and write my initial entry for this public diary that I have decided to start. Honestly speaking, I'm not very sure how to start this. I have no topic to talk about for this first post, though I do have a lot in mind that I'd like to talk about throughout the entirety of this blog. I suppose the best possible option for me is to introduce myself a bit first and just proceed with whatever subject it is I would like to tackle later on.

My name's Ronaldo. My family and friends call me, 'Aron'. My brothers call me, 'Ninja'. My enemies call me, 'Storm Shadow'. I was born in the Philippines but for the time being, I currently reside in Canada. Montreal to be exact. The date and exact place of my birth, I choose not to disclose. This is a public diary, but that doesn't mean I'd share complete personal information or talk about that one time I tried anal sex w/ this girl. Oh, wait... Damn it.

I'd like to think of myself as a simple guy. Down to Earth and polite. Humble and kind. Though, I do not intend to give myself too much credit. I'm not perfect at all. Far from it. Nobody's perfect. I'm nobody... therefor, I must be perfect? No, can't be. Anyway... Let's move on.

A few of the things I do on my spare time if I'm not at work nor school, is play video games on my Playstation 3. I used to write and play music, but it seems after what happened to me a couple of years ago, I have lost my interests in writing and playing music. Though, I still enjoy listening to metal and pretty much anything except R&B. I have 3 guitars, and they're all collecting dust in my apartment. I have changed, I really have changed. And I suppose one of the many reasons why I wanted to do a blog was to remember what kind of person I was. Not sure if it's because I grew up, or is it because I was influenced and redirected by my drive to strengthen the weaker parts of my personality and life. Which is of course, another topic for another time.

Unusual, I have so many things I want to write but in my mind I have this notion stuck in my head that the things I would like to include here may not be necessary nor interesting. Perhaps I'm just not used to talking about myself. I do have a better time listening to others, so I guess talking about myself might not be as easy as I thought it would be. I'm gonna try though for this public diary serves as a medium of self-reflection and documentary to me and for me.

I'll stop for the meantime. I'll write more tomorrow. For sure.

March 06, 2012
PM 9:20

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