Sunday, September 8, 2013

SitRep [Sept. 08, 2013]

This might be the longest break I've taken from writing in this blog. And I believe I have a solid idea as to why that is. I could sit here and write about the excuses and all the reasons why I did not feel like continuing to make entries for this compilation, but I feel like that would mean nothing but a waste of time and frankly quite the unnecessary activity to indulge in. Though certainly, I must establish a point for an entry and I did not know where to begin. And so I decided to make the entry a SitRep one.

To those that do not know what SitRep means, it stands for "Situation Report".

(I've always seen myself as a person that's always been by himself.)

A lot has taken place since the last time I made a post. SESS dropped by Montreal to visit Soulja and see his brothers from the clan. I have finally passed my probation period at work and ultimately secured a job. I'm an exam away from finally going to college/university. Working on getting a license and vehicle. Planning on a trip to California and maybe a vacation in Arizona. Training has shown significant changes to my physique in terms of shape, but I still require mass building because of my small frame. I've also been told that girls found it sexy and attractive when men cooked. And so I am currently on a campaign to finally tackle the feat of learning how to cook.

SiFu's visit was quite an event. I myself understand the great deal of trust behind traveling such great distances just to be with people you love. And I appreciate his efforts to come see us and spend some time with us. It was both a pleasure and an honor to finally meet the man behind the voice and personality that is SESSELEEZ. It seemed like he had quite the fun and a good time being around us and meeting us all for the very first time. And I'm glad he did. It was once again, just like his recruitment to the Sodality, a monumental moment to the clan for a member outside Montreal to take the time and money to come meet all of us. An epic week it was and it was a lot of fun. And because of his visit, I was also able to see some of my brothers that I didn't think I'd see if it weren't for him coming here to Montreal. It's sad, but it's the truth.
I was not however, saddened by his departure. The way I saw it was, I had a good time and it was great meeting him. But I know it won't be the last time and I know that we shall see him again. I know he has a life waiting for him miles away from where we are. A family, a girlfriend and a future. Even if he wanted to, I'd strongly suggest he left. Because that's what he needs to do. In the end, I am excited for the next time he visits us once again. And we'll  get to do the things we wanted to do that we did not have time for. And visit other places we were not able to hit last time.

Work's going well for me. But then again, I know I always do well wherever I end up. If there's one thing I am certain about myself, is that regardless of what I put my head into, I seem to always do okay or pretty well. But of course, I have to be realistic at the same time.
I have finished my probation period and have secured a permanent job. I try to save up money for my upcoming trip to come see my aunt. I have a few questions about my father that I hope they'd be willing or capable of answering. I do look so much like my father. It would be quite a sight for them to see me. I do not plan on staying too long though. I just want to thank them for everything they have done for me when I was younger. Their ordeals were a great part of my childhood and it separated me from the other children because of that. I have not been a good son, however. I have made some mistakes and wasted many years of my life. I do not intend to ask for their help. But I sure hope I can find the courage to ask them to help my mother instead.

Training's going okay. I have not been very diligent and consistent with my efforts to get in better shape. But I sure am doing way better than I did last year. The goal is to not be muscular. But to get toned and shaped. Build a bit of mass as well. I am showing small but significant progress. Mainly on the shoulders, biceps, triceps, arms and chest. I may have to look up better exercises for chest and not get lazy with cardio. I still have a bit of a belly and a little bit of love handles. I've been trying to eat healthier as well. And I have almost completely stopped drinking. I don't even remember when was the last time. And that's a good thing. I just want to be healthy and not be sick when I'm older. And as for the training I've been putting myself through, it's not about being muscular at all. I'm not exactly fond of looking ripped or anything like that. But I do want to be a bit more toned and show abs without freakin' sucking my stomach in. I intend to continue doing what I do and perhaps make changes as well. Because the body adapts and I will have to change a few exercises from time to time and maybe get heavier weights.

This month is when I intend to finally take the exam I've been postponing for quite some time now. Just gotta make time for studying the last book and hopefully by the end of the month, I'd be ready to take the exam. If not earlier. I'm still undecided what to tackle in college. I do have ideas however. I just know for a fact that I need to make something happen. I can't just be handsome and sweet. I can't be just sexy or romantic. I know I need to be financially reliable/capable as well. And I know right now that I am not. That's a part of myself I need to improve. I already know I'm... well, not ugly. See, I can joke about being handsome but I can't seriously be boastful about something like that. I just know I'm not ugly and I'm thankful for that. I know I am a sweet guy. But I just need to have a brighter future. And I gotta work on that.

Someone I know has told me that girls found it attractive and sexy when guys cooked. And it got me rethinking about an attempt in learning how to cook. I thought that it could be one of the things I would like to acquire before finding someone. Just like how I am actually thinking of getting a vehicle just so I can have something to use so she won't have to take the metro (assuming she doesn't have a vehicle yet).
Essentially, all I really know how to do is fry stuff. And maybe boil things. And I can't even do those things perfectly. So I decided to stick to simple things to learn first. I started with steak. And in the end, after a few tries, I'd like to say that somehow I could make an okay steak now. But it's still not at the level I feel like would be above average. Now I'm doing French Toast. I've realized how simple it is and wouldn't mind spending maybe just 2 more tries until I get it just right. After that one, I am thinking of either trying something stir fried with oyster sauce. Vegetables, maybe. Or something that involves some chopping of fruits or vegetables. Anyway, this week I intend to do two attempts of French Toast and decide on a style I want them prepared and presented. Maybe something with fruits and Sunny-Side Up eggs on the side. And bacon! I'll have to figure it out.

I'm ending the entry here. I need to hit the bed. I hope to make more entries this month and catch up on my writing.

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