Thursday, May 2, 2013

Within Radius

After what happened to me in front of my building, in addition to things I've been hearing and reading about, I have sort of developed this sense of awareness that I try to execute whenever I'm in public. I got caught off guard once and it brings me much shame up to this day. But I swore to myself that it will never happen again. Ever. And so thanks to that experience, I have learned and became more aware and cautious than I was back then. And it's better to stay on guard at all times than be careless and let mistakes happen.

In a room setting, the idea is to know exactly where everyone is, how many there are in the room with you, what are they carrying with them, where their hands are and what kind of expressions on their faces they have. It's good to know immediately who might be a potential threat and if they might be carrying something with them. Knowing where their hands are is a must. And how close are they to me, is very important as well. Because the farther they are, the more time I have to react and counter to whatever they might do. The closer, the more reflex I need to intercept and higher rate of getting hit. Of course, when you're in a room full of friends, you can chillax and not even worry about these as much.
What I have available to me as a weapon inside the room is something I sometimes look for as well. It could be a chair, a steak knife, a fork, chopsticks, bottle, poles, etc. If things go down, it's not about fighting with honor. It's going to be about who bleeds first and/or who goes down as fast as possible. And I don't want it to be me. Where you sit or where you stand in the room is important too. Close to an escape route and not in a position where you can be cornered is ideal. This is sad coz I like sitting in booths when I dine with friends. And in cinemas, you don't want to be sitting near a Fire Exit because it most like means you're not gonna be in a good angle to see the movie the way you want to.

In an open area, it's very difficult. You'd most likely notice me looking around if we're in the open. I feel like it's good to be aware of the unknown people around you. But it is also important to scout ahead and be aware of those that are far from you and/or approaching. This is kinda difficult to do because sometimes you just wanna focus on your phone or whatever it is you're doing while in public. But you just do your best to be cautious as often as you can.

Though I noticed that in a closed room setting, I tend to suddenly look at someone who all of a sudden moves their hand to maybe scratch their nose or pull out their phone. It has become an automatic thing to me it seems. Not exactly sure if that's a good thing or otherwise.

Sometimes, I also find myself checking for possible pieces of hard cover based on which direction gunfire might start coming from. This is crazy to even think about. But given the events that sadly take place in our world today, it's not really that insane to actually know what your move should be in case such a situation presents itself. We're not living in Candy Land nor in Toy Story world. This is the real world where violence suddenly strikes and hurt people. I think it's not so crazy at all to contemplate about these things and actually keep in mind such precautions.

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