Monday, May 27, 2013

One Thing I Know for Real...

Once again I found myself in this exact same road. At almost the exact same time. But it wasn't the same feeling. And I wasn't the same person. It's still dark and it's still cold. Maybe not as dark as it used to be, and definitely not as cold. I followed the usual path, and found myself looking at the man I used to be. And the man I have become. Or didn't become. Once again I found myself in that exact same road. A road once taken during turbulent times. During amazing times. I couldn't help but think and remember all of the things that have taken place and everything I have experienced. There were definitely good times and of course, bad times. I've seen the errors of my ways and realized the mistakes I have made. Some of them I am glad to have made, for they resulted in lessons well learned. Some I wish I have not committed. For I feel like it resulted into the issues I have now in the present. But in the end, these mistakes made me the person I am today. And I have no regrets.

I thought I knew myself. I thought I knew what I wanted. I thought some of the things I had were real. I thought my ways were the right ways. I believed I was doing the right thing. I believed I could stay the way I was and everything would be okay. In some aspects I was correct. And in some, terribly incorrect. I changed in a lot of things that made me the person I was before. And now I am who I am. But who am I exactly? And what do I really want? What do I have right now that is real? And I now believe to be in a better path compared to where I was before. But how do I know if I really am in fact in one right now?
There are some things that definitely changed. Maybe for the good and maybe for the bad. I still have some questions and uncertainties. But one thing I know for real... is that... I will make things better.

The feat will require a lot of time and effort. But I feel like I owe it to myself and this one life I get to live, to strive for a better life. It's not easy. And I don't expect it to be. I am not lucky enough unlike some people. I have disadvantages that others just do not possess. But even if I have to shed superficial beliefs, I intend to make sure by the end of this initiative, I'd be in a better position compared to 3 years ago.

Make it happen, Aron.

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