Sunday, March 17, 2013

SitRep [March 17, 2013]

Nothing new to report. Nothing new to write about. But there are a handful of things that I would like to tackle as a subject. Things that have recently just passed. Good things and bad things. Let's focus on the positives first. And as much as I prefer not to touch the negative ones, I feel like I should. Because after all, one of the goals this blog has is to document my thoughts and present myself in a deeper manner that I may not be so comfortable showing to other people.

UFC 158 was great. As usual, spent the evening at Soulja's place. Scout was there along with PyroTech and his dear girlfriend. Mariel was there too. FiRe was present along with Jigga and the Cosme dude. They were both with their girlfriends as well. It was good to see FiRe again. And as always, he was good to everyone and was just downright chill. I'm quite disappointed that he doesn't jump on as much anymore. But I also understand that he's got way more important things to take care of and like I told him, he's not missing much anyway. Not a lot of people play anymore.
I was hoping that Carlos Condit would win. I am new to the sport but I know enough to gather that he is a very respectful and entertaining fighter. He's got the attitude I would like to see in an athlete of this sport and so it seems I've grown fond of that. Too bad he lost, but it was an excellent fight nonetheless. And as for GSP, I kinda knew he would win. It was just a matter of guessing and waiting how he would dominate Nick Diaz. In the end, I felt stupid thinking that GSP would knock Diaz out. It was quite a bold prediction, like PyroTech said. I did not know Diaz well, but I know a little bit now. And with that very little knowledge, I can safely say that knocking him out might not be the best possible guess to make.
Overall, it was a great night. I chose not to drink, just like the other time we were there. Drinking can really cheer you up and gets you a bit more easy going and fun. But I also know that being drunk can get me depressed. And given some of the things that has happened recently, I don't want to risk feeling sad and drunk at the same time. I don't want to go that road anymore. So I chose to be sober. I'm not thinking of quitting drinking at all. I would take shots or a bottle or two if I'm feeling good or if it's someone's birthday. I think that's not a bad way of going about it.

Glen could not make it that night. Turns out, he was hospitalized once again. I heard Soulja talking to him on the phone and he mentioned that he'd come see him the next day. I volunteered to come along as well. The truth is, I don't like hospitals. And worse, I don't like it when someone I know is in a hospital. I don't like the fact that we could be out having a good time when one of us is in a Goddamned hospital bed. It happened to me once with a friend. I remember it.
I hope he recovers soon. I feel like it's taking too long for the doctors to make the necessary diagnostics to determine what must be done to make him better. I understand that it can't be that easy, but I believe that they could do better. Way better.
I wish him luck and the best. And hope that he gets well very soon. Not just because of the cliché good friend thing. But also because it's fucking irritating when good people have to go through things they don't fucking deserve. And this is one of those situations. It pisses me the fuck off. But sadly, it's a regular occurrence.

Tonight, we passed by at that crossing where she fixed my scarf.

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