Saturday, May 4, 2013

Bucket List

Recently, a friend of mine on Facebook posted an entry from his supposedly established 'Bucket List". It was pretty hilarious and it kind of made me want to actually put together my own list as well. I figured, it might be a good method to sort of look at myself in a way that would allow me to view via a list the kind of things that I generally desire in life. And perhaps, I could attempt to try and do as many of the things in my list as I could before I, figuratively, kick the bucket.

To those who do not know what a "Bucket List" is, I'll provide a simple description. It is a simple list of things that one would like to accomplish/do before they die. Derived from the expression, "kicking the bucket" which means dying. For a more detailed explanation, check Google.

I plan on updating this entry whenever I can. But I do intend to document each revision and updates by indicating which entries I added at a given date. And so, without further ado, let's get started.

1. Find the one.
2. Stop being a disappointment to the family.
3. Establish a career.
4. Get an apartment then finally, a condo.
5. Make my mom's life easier.
6. Visit my grand parents' graves.
7. [Entry Deleted]
8. Get a kid to call me "Uncle Ninja".
9. Get a Cadillac CTS.
10. Donate to charity.
11. Buy a homeless person food.
12. Buy a homeless person w/ a dog, food and dog food.
13. Have a kid.
14. Have a dog.
15. Make the Sodality more than just a Call of Duty clan.
16. Attend Soulja and Mariel's wedding.
17. [Entry Deleted]
18. Learn how to cook at least 10 recipes.
- Steak
- French Toast

19. Learn how to cook my mother's recipes.
a. Spaghetti Sauce
b. Adobo
c. Fruit Salad
d. Giniling
e. Adobong Sitaw
f. Lechong Paksiw

20. See the Grand Canyon.
21. Visit my aunt in California (father's side) and thank her.
22. Have an awesome living room complete with a leather sofa.
23. [Entry Deleted]
24. Be in a threesome w/ 2 girls.
25. Learn Japanese.
26. Visit Japan and see the Hachiko statue.
27. Live long enough to see who ends up becoming a father first: Soulja, Pyro, Scout or Rogue.
28. Wear a suit.
29. Give girlfriend flowers every week for a whole year.
30. Always open and close car door for girlfriend until last time we drive together.
31. Go camping.
32. See SESS, Nzyme and Falcons.
- Nzyme
- Falcons
33. Meet a celebrity.
34. Shoot somebody in the crotch with a paintball marker. [DONE]
35. Get into firearms shooting.

a. Handgun
b. Submachine Gun
c. Assault Rifle
d. Shotgun

36. Go to South Korea.
37. Finally decide if staying in Montreal or not.
38. Make better sex videos.
39. Own a motorcycle.
40. Own a handgun.
41. Setup a super awesome Christmas tree.
42. See the Pyramids at Giza.
43. Visit New York and the Statue of Liberty.
44. Go to Disneyland.
45. Write a Last Will and Testament.
46. Get in better shape.
47. Visit my father's grave.
48. Build a collection of knives.
49. Tell my kid the awesome story of how a dog licked my balls while I doggy styled a Russian girl.
50. Do the NiNja proposal thing.
51. Deliver Uniform Sierra to Charlie Hotel. [DONE]
52. Invent my own drink and name it.
53. Ride an elephant just like Tony Jaa.
54. Visit the Great Wall of China.
55. Grow an awesome mustache then realize I look stupid and end up shaving it.

Update: 05/13/2013

56. Watch the UFC in Montreal.
57. Watch a Hockey game in Montreal.
58. Go boating.
59. Go on a picnic.
60. Design my own Ouroboros emblem and have it tattooed on my upper back.
61. Deliver BELLA to Sierra Mike Bravo.
62. Own a suit.
63. Learn how to wear ties.

Update: 09/12/2013

64. Take photos with the good people you've encountered in your life.
65. Learn more about father.

Update: 11/10/2013
Several entries deleted. Deemed unnecessary and unimportant.

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