Sunday, December 22, 2013

SitRep [Dec. 22, 2013]

Like many times before, I have failed to make entries in this blog on a regular basis. I don't even remember when was the last time I wrote here. But it doesn't matter, really. What matters is I have the time tonight and I intend to write not just one and maybe even 2 entries. First on the list: a SitRep post.

The year is ending once again. 2013 was an interesting, fun and quite a learning experience as well. In the end, despite some downs I've encountered this year, I could without a doubt say that it is indeed a great year for me. I've had a lot of fun with friends, doing pretty okay with employment and somehow I feel so much happier as a person compared to how I was 3 years ago. To think at some point I was in a place with nothing but grief everywhere I turned. How I am now is more than just okay. I'm way better than okay. And hopefully, with the recent endeavors I've been involved in, will finally find happiness.

Exam will be scheduled for me after the new year. After I pass that, I will have to inquire and finally make decisions as to what my next move would be. I could get myself in debt for school, or continue working and save up for it. I will have to ask some questions and make things clear for me to better understand my options and make a firm decision. First year of the 3 years I have set for myself to make things happen. I gotta pick it up and stop being lazy.
Getting into the program I'd like to tackle won't be easy. But I'm willing to learn and I know I can be decent at it given the time and effort required. The only question is the determination and incentive. I seem to be easily discouraged and tend to get lazy. Weaknesses I'm still working on erasing. But next year is the year, I know it is.

Work's been good so far. I get along with everyone and even with those in other branches. I know I'm a nice guy and I respect people. I don't see myself getting into a bad situation unless it's from a misunderstanding of some sort. Which I was actually a part of earlier this year. But I realized my mistakes and understand the payment I need to make. And accept it.
Next year, maybe I'll work like I normally do the first few months. And then when I finally start school, I'd probably have to do less hours and/or quit altogether. Quitting is the last resort though. I would rather not leave myself jobless even when I have to go to school. That's all in the near future.

I've been involved with someone as well. But I plan on writing a separate entry talking about her and us in more detail. All I can say for now is that she seems to be nice. She's definitely pretty and a hard worker. She tends to be very shy too. And she does not dress like a slut, which is a plus in my book. We have an age difference which makes me worry a bit. I've been with someone younger before and it did not end well. I'm afraid that I might end up getting hurt again. Thus maybe explains why I seem to be holding back with my usual sweet and romantic feats. But I also understand that it's a risk I need to take if I really want to see if I'll finally find what I've always been looking for. And if there's even 0.0000001% chance that I will indeed find what it is with her, then the risk is worth it. I wanna take my time with her and get to know her more and see if we could go anywhere.

SitRep is done for now. More to write about though.

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