Monday, April 8, 2013

SitRep [April 08, 2013]

Got quite a handful of things to write about. Not really sure when was the last time I made an entry to this blog, but one thing is certain: the reason as to why I haven't written in quite a while is because of school and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Nintendo WiiU.
Lotsa nice things have happened since the last SitRep entry but of course, my life ain't perfect at all and so there are some persisting negativity that I wish didn't exist. But such is the imperfection of life. Without further ado, let's get started.

School went well this semester. I've had a bit of fun being in class during those times I was actually present. There were a lot of boring nights but quite a handful of entertaining ones as well. In the end, we're down to the last set of exams tomorrow evening and I'm excited to finally pass this course. I'm quite confident that I'll be passing this easily. Though I might not get an extremely high mark, I'll at least be able to maybe get an 80 or above. I don't even care if I get a 60, but a higher mark than that would be nicer. Of course.
The exam this morning that I took ended up more difficult than I have expected. But I'm hoping that I'll pass it as well. Though there were a good amount of questions that I was able to answer by using just basic understanding of the contents of the book the test was based on,  there were quite a few number of questions that were a tad bit more difficult for me and was not exactly sure if I answered correctly. I pray that I pass it so I won't have to retake it again.
Assuming I pass all the exams I've done so far, I will only have one more book to finish and I'd be ready to proceed to the program I'd like to get into. And I intend to just really focus on that book and not take my sweet ass time like I did with the first one. I'm rushing this time around. Time waits for no one. Hopefully, in a month or two, I'd be able to work on trying to get into 3D Animation and Computer Generated Imagery. Which would actually cost me more than 18k dollars. I'm preparing myself mentally to be in huge debt to the government. But I gotta make things happen and this is me making things happen. I'm like that guy in a casino, I don't have much chips left. So I'm all in. If I lost, at least I tried. If I win, then I made something of myself and I can finally be proud of something.

I have been playing a lot of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. I have clocked in around 100+ hours since its release last month. Scout was pretty surprised. The game was a bit difficult to get into and you just kinda start feeling like the game is broken. But the reality is the mechanics are built in such a way that you can't just button-mash your way through hunts and expect to emerge victorious. The game would frustrate a lot of gamers and even those that have excellent experience in gaming would find the initial learning curve to be a daunting feat to get into. But once you get past the frustration of dealing with the mechanics of the game and how gameplay is setup and executed, you'd definitely enjoy it. No doubt. So far, I have managed to have a good grasp with being a Dual Blades wielder. I learned a lot of things about the game and I'm still learning things up to now. Though, sometimes I question myself what would be the point of this by the end because essentially, the game is all about gear grind. And I've played games where it was about grinding for gear and in the end I realized there was no point at all. But then again, a lot of games are like that. I suppose the point to this one is the fun and entertainment you experience while playing. Though, I would like games to have a good story because I like walking away from things and thinking to myself how I learned stuff because of them. After all, I was originally a strictly RPG gamer. Not so much lately...

Work's been good. I am still under probation though. Hopefully, by the end of it, the manager would decide to keep me. I've gotten fond of coming to work and actually liking what I do. Though currently things have been slightly stressful for me because I feel like I'm not performing well in terms of other aspects as an employee. But I intend to do my best and try harder these next few months. And hopefully, I'll get to keep my position. I understand that I am lucky to be where I am and if it wasn't for Pyro and her, I wouldn't be even at this job. Sometimes I don't even feel like I deserve to be there, but I like to do my best so I won't disappoint people. Ultimately, I really like the job and I'll be doing my best to keep it.

There's this girl at a Starbucks that interests me quite a bit. I would usually drop by there every morning before work so I can have coffee before I start. I'd use the name "Ninja", the same name my brothers call me by. Eventually, she stopped asking for my name and would write it on my cup immediately. I suppose I was starting to become a regular client. Understandable. It's like that in another coffee shop I go to as well. Then one morning, I drop by as usual. I didn't see her, and I was kinda slightly disappointed. As I approached the counter and started ordering, she popped out from behind the counter and loudly greeted me, "Ninja!". She caught me off guard and all I could say was hi. Her co-worker looked at her and I guess she got embarrassed. Not sure if she was happy to see me or she was just in a good mood. Hopefully both.
I'm still kinda gaging whether she actually likes me or is just generally a really friendly person. I don't really believe I'm in a position to have a girlfriend. I feel like I should be focusing on my studies and bettering myself. But that old part of me still lingers and it wants to be happy. I know that sometimes what we want is not necessarily what we need. We could want love all we want, but if it's money we actually need, then it'll just end in tragedy. I seriously doubt I'd be lucky like Richard or Soulja. To have what they have is both a blessing and a luxury. But maybe it's not for me. I don't know. Whatever the case may be, I gotta focus and know what I can have and what I can't.

Chinee called me yesterday evening. I was surprised and was actually glad to hear from her. It's been so long we have not talked and even back then in HS, we didn't really talk much either. I feel like we talked more last night than all those times back in high school. Hopefully she'll call again. I told her to call anytime if she's bored again. I hope she's doing good there in Toronto. And I hope her employers are good people. I don't want her to have any problems. She's been so kind to me back then and I wish I could return the favor someday. I wish her luck here in Canada. And I hope to talk to her more soon.

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